Google Mythbusters can a traffic jam form from a driver tapping their brakes. whats the weirdest/most inappropriate email signature youve seen? I wouldnt be able to do it but they make it work for them. Even if you ignore that a more or less direct route from (for instance) Huntington Beach to LA (30 miles) would take the OP through some pretty dangerous areas, like Compton, so cal drivers tend to be hostile to bicyclists in general, and the communities do not have well maintained or even designated bike lanes. . I live in Burbank. Im sorry, OP. While a two-hour commute is definitely not unheard of, I wouldnt call it NORMAL (I can only think of a small handful of friends and family living in the area who have that long of a commute). He liked the job okay, but he ended up leaving just because he couldnt deal with the commute. Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show 3.7 million workers travel for two hours or longer every weekday. with no traffic, so 2 hours isnt a huge difference. Weve considered moving closer. The weather is compatible and for that distance it should be much, much faster. Brea, Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills just have freeways. So, Ive actually literally known people who have bought small planes and gotten pilots licenses to cut down a 2 hour commute in the ruralish west. My old job was a 40-45 min drive (but it was only about 15 miles) and that was going against traffic for at least half of the drive. I had no idea that kind of commute existed! When moving, we researched transit extensively, tried routes to and from workplaces after being burned by Google Maps estimation in our last city, and determined that the train was the best option, in spite of literally living in a different country than the physical workplace. In my last semester of college in Sacramento in the mid 1970s, I lived in San Francisco with my boyfriend and commuted the 90 miles each day. Noooo. The fact that you are making time for the gym/yoga is commendable! We are a full-service companion animal/FL wildlife hospital. He works, reads, or naps for the 4-4.5 hour round trip commute. During surge pricing and bad traffic Uber/Lyft will be expensive and slow. Here a long commute is 45 minutes of 55 mph with no traffic jams and people complain about it. Job. each way. But I think the question here is not what is normal, but what works for you and whether the overall benefits of the job outweigh the cons. 30 miles in 2.5 hours. Heres what got me through it: -Audiobooks and podcasts (you can get free books through Overdrive and Hoopla with your library card). You would think they would make a more robust commuter system there, but then again, I am not totally sold on how well we can manage train systems in this country either . OP, have you had bad experiences on LA transit that have led you to this anti-transit stance, or are you making assumptions? If it were by bus I might not feel the same way, but Ive never had to deal with that. Southern California isnt well suited to either. My commute is 20 minutes IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC, and a small part of me wants my mom to sell us her house* so my commute is a more reasonable 5 minutes if I get the traffic light. I dont think Ive ever worked anywhere more than a 20, 25 minute drive away and usually far less than that. Forgot the link! A lot of people do drive to metro stations, park, and ride the train, but metro has been hiking fares and cutting hours for years. Yeah, from what I hear its normal for that area, but Ive never had a commute anywhere near that long on the East Coast. I was actually on the El, just so far up the line that my commute was probably longer than some people taking the Matra. I put >30,000 miles on it in those first two years. Evening commute (after 6 pm) is actually a little faster average is 45 minutes, up to 70 minutes. It doesnt matter if its normal or not. Its the big reason I havent bought a home, and possible never will (at least until I retire). I think normal is relative to where you live. ), Coworkers often wonder why we dont move closerthe cost of living is crazy higher and we wouldnt be able to afford it. Of course that means you have to pay Dublin rent prices. Ive just started my first office job - any dos and donts? A "virtual" commute, so to speak. It was an aggravating way to start the day anyway. 4! I go to my office two days a week and leave my French bulldog home alone for 12 hours. I live in Bernal Heights and work in San Mateo (13 miles door to door) and its usually 35 minutes in the morning and 50-70 minutes in the afternoon, which somehow still boggles my mind every time I sit in it. I already to yoga at 6 am every day (or bootcamp or whatever the other 6 am class is) but I really need to get home by 8 the latest to eat dinner and sleep. Good luck, OP! I guess my question is more about the general idea of how adding more cars = going slower. Of course this being LA, die down is relative. But those are 6 very, very long miles if you drive. Best move I ever made. I had a guest tell me, I drove from the Griffith Observatory to the Santa Monica pier and it took me an hour. I told him that hed been incredibly fortunate. There are weird people in the train sometimes, but theyre no worse than weird train people in other cities. Google maps will give you a range for your route at different times of the day. Then we start up again. I do a 75-minute commute by public transport, but I live in London and an hour for the commute is pretty standard here. When I had a job in the San Fernando Valley the commute was fine because the traffic went in the opposite direction.. I had an hour long commute by car not long ago and I found that audiobooks made the journey so much more enjoyable. Were trying to move up our moving plans by several months because of this. I live in Silicon Valley. Exactly. When my lease ended, I moved to Cathedral Heights, and Ive really loved the neighborhoodI have 25-minute walking commute, and its lovely. Local transit (MUNI) is less reliable/more variable (although I loved being able to take AC Transits transbay busedbest commute, ever). I can tell you that commute time varies greatly by where you live, where you work, and the hours you work. Yeah, unfortunately as an EA with two very needy execs theres no way I could do 7 am to 3:30 pm.. anything thats not those times will still have me sitting in 2 hour traffic every day. There are pros and cons. My 20 mile commute to Santa Monica is on average 1 hr 20 mins (on bad day, 1 hr 40+ mins) so unfortunately, while this is not the national norm, I think it is a norm in SoCal. 1. If you want a shorter commute, you have to move closer to transit or to where the traffic patterns are more favorable. Accept this and stop trying to beat it. I have to work in the area sometimes and I find it helpful to leave early, pick one of the major streets that stretches through from east to west, and just ride that all the way down. Miss the bus, catch the one 10 minutes later, and have another 30-45 minutes added to the commute. Even a 15 minute shift makes the commute better or worse. Repeat. It once took me 3 hours to drive the 15 miles from west LA to Torrance. I live in the Atlanta suburbs. I have heard good things about the Dresden Files on audiobook / James Marsters narrates them; I read them before my audiobook obsession began or Id probably have listened to them. DC area. Alternative Site was literally in the middle of nowhere. She calls friends. Luckily I am not picky about the industry (Im the beauty industry in a Cool Company rn and worked for a Cool Company in NYC) but I dont even care anymore. Im Canadian. However, only 10-15 minutes of that is by car. It is the traffic when driving that makes it stressful. I wouldt be home until 8:30-9. Once a week, a 2-3 hour drive wouldn't even register frankly. It was part of the reason I ended up quitting that job. Its why I came back the one time I moved away. Two hours was totally normal for the area I grew up in, if you commuted into the city from the suburbs. If you drive from the beach to our house (5 miles) during traffic it can easily take over an hour. But thats my opinion, and others may disagree. Not that 3 hours as opposed to 4-5 is that much better. I just want to point out that normal doesnt mean anything if youre suffering so much. There are jobs worth moving, even in the same town, for. :(, If you give me some idea of what you like, I can make audiobook recommendations! Public transportation is only a viable option if you work downtown. Too many people, too much traffic.even though I learned to drive out there, I cant do it any more. I did once have a coworker who used to commute from the Cape to Boston and that was 2 to 2.5 hours one way depending on the weather, but that was an unusual case. ), and though Ill be moving soon, my commute will still be only a few short miles and bikeable, so about the same as it is now. I now live in Central CA and have a 30 minute commutebut its 25 miles. I live in the suburbs and work in a mid-Atlantic city. That would make two hours not an impossibility, but certainly not typical. Yes, this. Chicago suburbs, work just past the West Loop; my morning commute door-to-door (walk, Metra, work shuttle) is an hour. What youve described is pretty much my husbands schedule. And Id complain about my commute from West Hollywood (On Palm @ Santa Monica Blvd) to Beverly Hills (Doheny @ Wilshire). But its much more relaxing than driving from Toronto to Barrie. I didnt realize how toxic that crazy commute was until it was gone. Thats two hours both ways! This is interesting because my husband recently took a job in a middle-of-nowhere college town where the only jobs besides university-related ones are in the service or healthcare industry (neither of which Im qualified for), so Im looking for work in the nearest city, two hours away. Born and raised in LA so sorry about the culture shock! Itd be unthinkable. That said, commutes dont *have* to be that long even in this part of the country. Commuting provides the time to get through books, reviews and articles; I've fallen back in love with great authors as a result. I think its worth considering whether the trade-offs are worth it when youre dealing with a long commute. Freeways and surface streets werent designed for the volume of vehicles on the road. But Im not one to just complain so Im actively looking for a new opportunity to better suit what I want. None of these things actually make the commute shorter, but it keeps you going. We have a lot of friends who settled in Long Beach, but face the same issues as you if you have to travel any distance to your job it can be quite taxing. My husband and I ended up moving to a more central location in our city so that we could be close to our current jobs and also so that if we ever switched jobs, we wouldnt have to deal with an unpredictable commute like we did before. ), and the JOB was miserable. To answer your overall question, you can be successful with strength training 2x/wk, but it will come down to how structured your programming is in terms of volume, repetition, intensity, and progressive overload. She pushed and they finally agreed to a compromise; they moved into LA proper, and her commute cut down to about an hour and a half while his commute extended to 25 minutes (he was going against traffic flows). I do a 6 hour round commute once or twice a week. Now I live in a really small town. I have an hour commute for a contract job I just took and they were super concerned that I wouldnt take it because of that. I used to do 90-100 mins each in the car way every day. But what everyone is saying is true this might be not as uncommon as you think but if its not right for you, its time to look elsewhere for a job thats closer or has flexible scheduling. If youve ever seen LA traffic in a movie or on the news, where the freeways look like parking lots, you are seeing the reality of it- some places look like that almost all day long! I rode the BL for a few years in the early aughts for school/work it was a little bad then but its getting worse. Ha! After 2 hours of bumper to bumper traffic, 45 minutes of highway speeds is amazing and were grateful. My commute in Sacramento is 20-30 minutes average. However, I know not every long distance job has carpool buddies, so I understand that can be difficult. They ended up going with the one on the east side of town because my dad realized during his practice commutes (which were the same distance and traffic time) that coming from the east side meant he never had to drive into the sun. He had to take the 580 through the mountains to get to Fremont, which is a total bottleneck so it always sucked. My top tip would be to work in the same location as your partner ! I zone out or just watch a movie on my phone or just sleep. I have 20 min commute now. He commuted from Chester County to Manhattan by train. Like can they really not fathom that other people have different thoughts and feelings than they do. I was able to change roles to something I actually love and stay with my employer, and the longer-commute days are definitely balanced out by the rest of the week. Put 15 to 30 minutes on your calendar at the start. Yep; we discovered that the hard way last year while visiting my uncle in Palos Verdes. I go with the flow of traffic in the morning and afternoon. Id also like to +1 on the ability to search google maps for drive time estimates for your next position. You can absolutely take the M train from Bushwick to Broadway-Lafayette in under 45 minutes. I am looking to relocate next year and Minneapolis is in my top 5 cities. The best thing I could find to do was use alternate county backroads to get home once I got off the beltwayit doesnt get me home any faster but as I tell my husband, its the illusion of getting home faster because at least Im constantly moving and not killing my knees pumping the brakes! If there is a problem it gets worse (on all my possible routes). Unfortunately, for that area and the commute you are doing 1.5 is the norm. Theres also a direct bus route that gets me there in about 45 minutes. Is it 1 hr, 15 mins? Its true, if you leave after 3pm, its a parking lot. I work in a pretty niche part of healthcare, and Im enduring it for the opportunity that provides. After sitting in your car for 4 hours, dont waste any of your time TALKING about sitting in your car. In Southern California, the weather is great, the traffic not so much ;~(. LA traffic is the worst. I worked from home full time for 10 years in can live anywhere and choose any job and be 5 min or 2 hours from your job. Oops, I posted something else before I saw this. Now luckily I have flexibility, otherwise theres no way I could make this work. I cannot imagine having to actively drive for that entire time through jam-packed traffic! Nine months in and its still glorious. Ive done a 90 minute commute for a while, but that was a solid train trip where Id reliably get a seat and could happily play with my phone or read to unwind on the journey to and from work. Plus, I live near a mall and practically next to a few grocery stores and gas stations, so traffic always sucks in the afternoons. I do an hour drive to and from work every day and its fine so 2 hours once a week Im sure will be no bother. I have commuted from LB or South Pas to LAX/El Segundo, but I moved housing or office as quickly as possible. Are you getting paid enough for that? I also did the South LA-the Valley commute for grad school. I definitely have one of the longer commutes in my office but there are a growing number of us who have it. I recently watched a special on TV about super commuters defined as people who commute 90 minuets or more one way. He said as long as he was on the train the commute flew by and they had a great quality of life in PA. People commute 2 hours *within New York* if they cant move and need to keep a particular job. As Allison said, its not unheard of. Id say move closer to your job, honestly, if you can. You must love those llamas. Short answer: No. Its the only way we can still afford it, but we dont want to move farther away because 1) my kids school is fantastic, and we want to stay in this district, and 2) my commute is really good, and Ive done the horrid commute before. Im a recovering Staten Islander. I didnt understand traffic until I moved to Los Angeles for a few years after college it was the first time I saw with my own eyes how there could be too many cars on the road. How can I make my drive to work more productive? )even the drive to school wasnt that bad! I know I couldnt do it. ! I did not own my part in natural selection. But my personal situation requires more flexibility than a carpool would allow and the stress of heavy traffic every morning and evening is just too much. I agree w/ Alison whether its normal or not has no bearing on whether it works for *you*. Thats the rule). For us, itd would have been a lightly populated freeway with swift-moving cars. Im fortunate to carpool which cuts it down to 25-45 minutes using the HOV lane, but thats not always reliable especially when people have life changes. I didnt want to go ahead and find a place in Anaheim and then find out I was gonna have to commute to Burbank every morning. FWIW, my cousin lives in LA, and she told me her commute from West Hollywood to Santa Monica was about 1 hour. Another 15-20 minutes by shuttle, with wait times in between all, obviously. I often fantasize about either getting a job closer to my home or getting an apartment closer to my work. I started shooting out my resume last week and immediately hooked a few fish, so Im a lot less worried now. I come home for lunch and do dishes, light household chores. 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