It's like a window back in time. A non-commissioned officer, Sergeant Horace T. West, 33 years old, later confessed to the crimes in the first incident and was found guilty. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. Our History Department collects Veteran information for this website and the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. I have a newspaper clipping from the local paper that he had informed his parents that he had been transferred to the infantry - from the Air Corp/Air Force - of course there would be no mention of what unit he was transferred to, and this was during the winter of '44, when they were pulling men from all branches to fill the line. Rosters. Company Morning Reports. Does anyone in the family have his discharge papers that confirm he was a member. [84] Regardless, by mid-1950 the division had only 8,413 troops, less than 45 percent[n 1] of its full-strength authorization. In 1963, the formation was reorganized in accordance with the Reorganization Objective Army Divisions plan, which saw the establishment of a 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigade within the division. I checked the 1944 and 1945 Division rosters (45th Div. The 45th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Scouts, was an element of the Philippine Division, U.S. Army, based at Ft. McKinley. & 01.01.1945-16.02.1945 & 04.03.1945-09.05.1945, 191st Tank Battalion (less A Company & 3rd Once this rest period was complete, the division was assigned to XV Corps for the final push into German territory. [49] The 45th, 36th, and 3rd Infantry Divisions were pulled from the line in Italy in preparation for Operation Dragoon (formerly Anvil), the invasion of southern France. [26] Nine soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during their service with the 45th Infantry Division: Van T. Barfoot,[72] Ernest Childers,[73] Almond E. Fisher,[74] William J. Johnston,[75] Salvador J. Lara,[76] Jack C. Montgomery,[77] James D. Slaton,[73] Jack Treadwell,[78] and Edward G. A Company), B & C Companies, 2nd Chemical According to the regimental After Action Report of May 1945. the 1st and 2nd Battalions were assigned to guard duty at KZ Dachau. After advancing up the Italian peninsula, the 45th landed at Anzio in February 1944, where it withstood repeated German assaults against its positions. The 45th Infantry Division World War II in Germany. Documents: All of the files from The 45th Division in World War II: The Thunderbirds Facebook Group in searchable PDF format plus other documents. [17] The division was assigned to VIII Corps with the 2nd Infantry Division and the 36th Infantry Division, camped near Pitkin, Louisiana. [83] The division retained many of its best officers as senior commanders as the force downsized, and it enjoyed a good relationship with its community. [22] The division, now commanded by Major General Troy H. Middleton, a Regular Army soldier and highly distinguished World War I veteran, moved to the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation's Camp Patrick Henry to await combat loading on the transports. Just days before, about 2,000 inmates evacuated on a death march from the Flossenbrg concentration camp had arrived at Dachau and the SS guards had forced almost 7,000 Dachau inmates to move southward. [37][40], On 3 November it crossed the Volturno River and took Venafro. Sheeran told Brandt that, when a German soldier had just killed his close friends and then tried to surrender, he would often "send him to hell, too". AAA Group, 31.08.1944-10.11.1944 & 23.11.1944 &18.02.1945 [110] Chinese troops were well dug-in and better trained than the troops of the inexperienced 45th, and it suffered casualties and frequently had to disengage when it was attacked. Platoon, D Company), 47th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division, 47th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division (less This explains the book he had on the 180th Regiment. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States. I've always guessed that was possibly for convenience of shipping home. Best of luck with your family research! "On 20 May, the Regiment was incorporated under the Dachau Area, Command. [94][98] Following its arrival, the division moved to the front line to replace the 1st Cavalry Division, who were then delegated to the Far East reserve, having suffered over 16,000 casualties in less than 18 months of fighting. It arrived on December 2, 1920 and redesignated as a Philippine Scout regiment the next day. The 45th Infantry Division was a National Guard Unit. The U.S. I can count on one hand the stories - harmless stories - we know of his time over there. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Rome-Arno. Slowly advancing through Italy, they fought in Anzio and the Beachhead breakout to the capture of Rome. [37] Against stiff resistance, the 45th pushed to the Calore River after a week of heavy fighting. Mortar Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 36th Engineer Combat To search PDF documents, download and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Adobe is unable to convert all 75 year old text to searchable text. [42] For this mission, CCA (Combat Command A) of the 1st Armored Division was attached to the 45th Infantry Division. [124], Note: Similarity of dates for General Muldrow and commanders beginning with General Ruffner is because 45th Infantry Division, AUS, was retained in Korea while twin unit, 45th Infantry Division, NGUS, was activated in Oklahoma. The Seventh Army was being disbanded and Patton had been appointed Military Governor of Bavaria, placing the matter in his hands. One story I often share to illustrate how we have to look at the stories left by soldiers and their families helps illustrate the problem. Your relative might have been told at the time that his unit was liberating a Dachu camp and it just stuck that it was "the" Dachu camp instead of one of its many sub camps. [39] During this time much of the division's artillery assets were attached to the 44th Infantry Division to provide additional support. [38] On 10 September, elements of the division conducted its second landing at Agropoli and Paestum with the 36th Infantry Division, on the southernmost beaches of the attack. Washington, DC 20024-2126 In company with the British 1st Infantry Division, they advanced north along the Anzio-Albano road and captured the Aprilia "factory", but encountered ingrained resistance from German armored units a few miles further on. Some of those photos match the area where Operation Dragoon was executed. 103rd Infantry Division, 15.08.1944-30.09.1944 & 06.10.1944-26.10.1944 News of Dachau's liberation spread swiftly. Casualty figures for the 45th Infantry Division, European theater of operations: The 45th Infantry Division gained its nickname, "Thunderbird" division, from the gold thunderbird. The division was organized in 1923, and Oklahoma members camped together for the first time at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1924. By 12 September, the Seventh Army linked up with Lieutenant General George S. Patton's U.S. Third Army, advancing from Normandy, joining the two forces at Dijon. The 4th Armored Division was activated during World War II on 15 April 1941 with 3,800 men (10,000 by the end of May 1941) from various other units, at Pine Camp (Camp Drum, 1951; Fort Drum, 1974), New York under its first Commanding General, Brigadier General Henry W. Baird.. World War II. [87][88], Initially, the division was used to provide a pool of reinforcements for the divisions which had been sent to the Korean War theater, and in January 1951 it provided 650 enlisted fillers for overseas service. [13] After a long process of reviewing design submissions, a design by Woody Big Bow, a Kiowa artist from Carnegie, Oklahoma, was chosen for the new shoulder sleeve insignia. [28], The division was subsequently assigned a lead role in the amphibious assault on Sicily, coming ashore on 10 July. Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! When US troops arrived in Dachau on April 29, they found 2,310 additional corpses on the train. I think that means he would have been in one of the artillery units for the 45th Infantry Division, but I don't know where to find a roster to check. Division. [64] Some veterans of the 45th Infantry Division have said that only 30 to 50 German soldiers were killed and that very few were killed trying to surrender, while others have admitted to killing or refusing to treat wounded German guards.[65]. Artillery and the four Artillery Battalions) and did not find his name. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States. [55] On 17 February the division was pulled off the line for rest and training. In their report delivered to Congress on May 15, 1945, the senators and representatives stated that. Just that, no other details. I'm trying to find information on my great grandfather's service in WWII. Please be aware that NPRC is prioritizing the requests for separation documents needed by veterans and their dependents to prove eligibility for a variety of benefits. These units were assigned to the 40th Division, and deployed to France where the division was used as a "depot" unit to process and provide replacements for front-line units. Yeah, I've heard of that fire in 1973. [32] The paratroopers, conducting their first combat jump of the war after six weeks of training in Tunisia, then set up to protect the 45th's flank against German counterattack, but without weapons to counter heavy armor, the paratroopers had to rely on support from the 2nd Armored Division to repulse the German Tiger I tanks. On the second incident, Captain John T. Compton ordered Italian soldiers to be lined up and shot; the officer claimed he had only been following orders and was acquitted. Visit the 45th Infantry Museum. Short version, I know that my father was transferred from the Army Air Corps to the infantry, I don't know to what division, in the winter of 1944, when the Allies were lined up along the Rhine. Circumstance may have prevented that. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at St. Louis (RL-SL) at Lieutenant Colonel Felix Sparks, who commanded the 45th Infantry Division troops, later recalled his first impressions of Dachau: The initial shock was experienced even before entering the camp. [122][123], The 45th Infantry Division was awarded eight campaign streamers and one foreign unit award in World War II and four campaign streamers and one foreign unit award in the Korean War, for a total of twelve campaign streamers and two foreign unit decorations in its operational history. I found that book on the 180th Regiment by George Fisher on line. They trace their lineage from frontier militias that operated in the Southwestern United States throughout the late 1800s. forces. Dante's Inferno seemed pale compared to the real hell of Dachau. The main goals of the World War II Recreation Association, 45th Infantry Division reenactors are to honor the veterans who served the United States Armed Forces in World War Two so that their legacy may live on, and to educate all within our reach about the history of our nation and our Armed Forces. With few provisions, almost 2,000 inmates died during the circuitous route that took them from Thuringia through Saxony to Czechoslovakia and into Bavaria. [37], On 3 September 1943, Italy surrendered to the Allied powers. You did what you had to do.". His photos included a lot of concentration camp images. . His discharge of course just general information, various theaters served in, listing him attached to HQ CO 290 INF, 75th DIV, but that didn't explain the 3rd DIV patch on his uniform. The 45th landed at Anzio, 22 January 1944, and for 4 months stood its ground against violent assaults. [3] The Oklahoma National Guard units that would later become the 179th Infantry Regiment and 180th Infantry Regiment were assigned to the 36th Division and would earn a combat participation credit during the MeuseArgonne offensive in France as part of the 142nd Infantry. Almost immediately the Chinese launched a concentrated attack on the hill, overrunning the U.S. For more information see, Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF), Archival Records Requests, Please be aware that NPRC is prioritizing the requests for separation documents needed by veterans and their dependents to prove eligibility for a variety of benefits. The 179th Infantry and a tank battalion of CCA tried to recapture Aprilia but were repulsed. Lucas sent famed U.S. Army Ranger leader Colonel William Orlando Darby to assume command of the 157th Infantry, and the Germans were repulsed. In conjunction with the reenacting unit is a Venturing Crew of the Boy Scouts of America, allowing members of the unit who are under 18 years of age to participate in events. Additionally, only about 20 percent of its personnel had prior experience of military service from World War II. In Section 1, Item 1, where it asks which items you are requesting, please check Other and specify that you want the entire file. Please complete a. and mail it to NARA's National Personnel Records Center, (Military Personnel Records), 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138-1002. Due to drastic reductions in U.S. military spending following the end of World War II, these divisions were equipped with worn-out or obsolete weaponry and suffered from a shortage of anti-armor weapons capable of penetrating the hulls of the North Korean T-34 tanks. They took part in intense fighting during the invasion of Sicily and the attack on Salerno in the 1943 Italian Campaign. For more information, please refer to Onsite Operations at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis. In each of them the floor of the car was covered with dead, emaciated bodies. Lucas then ordered the rest of the division ashore. PFC Donald E. Thompson, member of I Company, 3rd Battalion, 180th Infantry Regiment, per the 29 June 1945 Roster of the. Hometown - Argyle. Our officials advised us that many of the others who had survived the trip had died since in the camp, and many more, although still alive, were starved beyond redemption. If you see this and check out your roster I would love to know what you find. Inside this website you will find over 100 pages of Maps History and Photographs of the World War Two Thunderbirds. [79] Soldiers of the division also received 61 Distinguished Service Crosses, three Distinguished Service Medals, 1,848 Silver Star Medals, 38 Legion of Merit medals, 59 Soldier's Medals, 5,744 Bronze Star Medals, and 52 Air Medals. Documents. [43] Landing on schedule, VI Corps surprised the Germans, but Major General Lucas's decision to consolidate the beachhead instead of attacking gave the Germans time to bring the LXXVI Panzer Corps forward to oppose the landings. [52][53] Soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division engaged the dispersed forces of German Army Group G, suffering very few casualties. Command Posts. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Naples-Foggia. Jive Software Version: , revision: 20220815205735.50e1b0c.master, The 42nd and 45th Infantry Divisions and the 20th Armored Division liberated Dachu, however there were many, ubcamps and soldiers with our unit, the 36th Infantry Division, often related in the stories they told to. [82], During this time, the U.S. Army underwent a drastic reduction in size. It went over to the attack, 23 May, crossed the Tiber River, 4 June, outflanking Rome and withdrew for rest and training on the 16th. In Section 1, Item 1, where it asks which items you are requesting, please check Other and specify that you want the entire file. The following month, the division landed in Sicily, where it engaged Axis troops in combat. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Sicily. However, please note that these records are not online and NARA is not staffed to do this level of research for you. Nevertheless, the Army officials in charge of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this 1 train and that at least 100 of these civilians had been jammed into each car . During World War II the 45th Infantry Division fought in eight campaigns in the European Theater of Operations, from 9 July 1943 through 11 May 1945. It is curious that his draft card ( has an annotated discharge date of 31 March 1946. [15] Its men immediately began basic combat training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The 45th, in turn, was under constant artillery and mortar attack. History Of the 45th Infantry Following World War I, the National Defense Act of 1920 created the authority to form the 45th Infantry Division from the four states of Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. [80] Instead of comprising units from several states, the post-war 45th was an all-Oklahoma organization. On 23 May, VI Corps, now commanded by Major General Lucian Truscott, went on the offensive, breaking out of the beachhead to the northeast, with the 45th Division forming the left half of the attack. He also claimed to have been at Dachau and talked about it to some detail when I was younger. The reenacting unit attends living history displays and tactical events throughout the region. As a result, the division was not sent into combat upon arrival and instead commenced training at Arzew, French Morocco,[26] in preparation for the invasion of Sicily. They had few soldiers left, very little ammunition, and even food was running out in some places. Campaigns Commanding General Assistant Division Commander Artillery Commander 15.08.1944 Then the Wehrmacht mule drivers were given shovels and ordered to "dig their own shallow graves". Headquartered for most of its history in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the guardsmen fought in both World War II and the Korean War. Could you kindly check your records and let me know if you have him on your list? I've often thought he may have been attached to the 75th after they were sent south to the Colmar Pocket, and when that was over, and the 75th went back north, Dad was transferred out to - my best guess at the time - the 3rd Division. "[19][18] In spite of these deficiencies, less than one month later, the men's tour of duty was extended for another eighteen months, much to their chagrin, because of concerns of an impending American entry into World War II.[17]. [93] After its basic training was complete, the division was sent to Japan in April 1951 for advanced training and to act as a reserve force for the Eighth United States Army, then fighting in Korea. [7] It was one of four National Guard divisions to be federalized on that day, alongside the 30th, the 41st and 44th Infantry Divisions, originally for a one-year period. Battles & Campaigns of World War II Combat load of Infantry SoldierSicily Raymond, Allen D. 1st Battalion, 272nd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Division 200. During World War I, Colonel A. W. Bloor, commander of the 142nd Infantry, 36th Division, tested and deployed a code, using the Choctaw language in place of regular military code. Ray, John F Company, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division 482. Headquartered mostly in Oklahoma City, the guardsmen fought in both World War II and the Korean War. [89] Because of heavy casualties and slow reinforcement rates, the Army looked to the National Guard to provide additional units to relieve the beleaguered Eighth Army. In September of 1940, the War Department called the 45th Infantry to federal service and began training for a possible war with Germany and Japan. I have his army serial # as well if that would help. . On April 28, the day before liberation, a train bearing about 40 or so railway cars arrived at the camp. However, please note that these records are not online and NARA is not staffed to do this level of research for you. Please check NARAs web page about, The U.S. When it arrived in Korea, only half the division's manpower were National Guard troops, and over 4,500 guardsmen left between May and July 1952, continually replaced by more active duty troops, including an increasing number of African Americans. That's the most information, all in one place, nailing things down to a specific place and time, that I've seen on Dad. To access these records for the 1940s, you will need to either make an appointment to visit the National Archives at St. Louis or hire a researcher. Anyways if you see this his name was Clarence LaHayne and he was enlisted. The 45th Division was deployed on the southeastern side of the beachhead, along the lower Mussolini Canal.[45]. The 45th Infantry Division, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico National Guards, the Thunderbirds, were a group of citizen soldiers who fought long and hard during World War II (Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Anzio, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe Campaigns), and still do today, as a Seperate Infantry Brigade. These offensives were conducted largely in order to secure a better position during the ongoing truce negotiations. These pages are built and maintained by the World War II Recreation Association with membership in Northern Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. I know that the 45th, the 42nd, and the 3rd Divisions swept down through that area. I have to wonder why he would have that particular book. Later that month, it was given 4,006 new recruits for its three infantry regiments and artillery assets, and each unit created a 14-week training program to prepare these new soldiers for combat. The number of POWs taken by the 45th Division during its almost two years of fighting totalled 124,840 men. You can not post a blank message. In addition to burying the dead, the Allied forces attempted to help and comfort the survivors with food, clothing and medical assistance. [24], The 45th Division sailed from the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation for the Mediterranean region on 8 June 1943, combat loaded aboard thirteen attack transports and five cargo attack vessels as convoy UGF-9 headed by the communications ship USSAncon. You may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgment as well as a substantive response to your reference request from RL-SL. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. So he might have actually meant one of the subcamps which would increase the number of possible units. His name was Donald E. Thompson, PFC. View the list of all donors. As we visited Dachau we saw on a railroad sidetrack paralleling the main highway, and close to the gates of the prison camp, a train of cars which had been used to bring additional civilian prisoners to this camp. Although the information contained in the following pages is not specific to the 45th Infantry Division, it presents an accurate overview of each campaign. Devers. See, for instructions. German soldiers began surrendering to the Allies in large groups; 325,000 soldiers and civilians . Over the course of its history, the 45th Infantry Division sustained over 25,000 battle casualties, and its men were awarded ten Medals of Honor, twelve campaign streamers, the Croix de Guerre and the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation. In retaliation, the 245th Tank Battalion sent nine tanks to raid Agok. [105] In the spring, the division launched Operation Counter, which was an effort to establish 11 patrol bases around Old Baldy Hill. The delegations of journalists and congressmen who had been viewing the Buchenwald concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see the camp. [21][23] By the time the 45th Division landed in North Africa on 22 June 1943, the Allies had largely secured the African theater. Please complete a GSA Standard Form 180 and mail it to NARA's National Personnel Records Center, (Military Personnel Records), 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138-1002. [56] During the next month, the division remained in Munich and set up collection points and camps for the massive numbers of surrendering troops of the German armies. Each car was loaded with emaciated human corpses . [81] During this time the division was also reorganized and as a part of this process the 157th Infantry was removed from the division's order of battle and replaced with the 279th Infantry Regiment. [39] The division was then slated to move to the Pacific theater of operations to participate in the invasion of mainland Japan on the island of Honshu, but these plans were scrubbed before the division could depart after the surrender of Japan, on V-J Day. and see if I can find a CIB for your dad. In size, these cars were of the small European type, which, when used for the movement of troops, would never accommodate more than 40 men. If it is on the righthand side, as he wore it, then this means the unit he served with was attached to the 3rd ID during combat operations. The proximity of the US Army gave hope to the prisoners in the camp and to anti-Nazis outside it. Welcome to our 45th Infantry Division photo Galleries. Divisional troops As the 45th Infantry Division completed its drive on Munich, the unit was ordered to liberate the Dachau concentration camp. The 3rd Division was not directly involved in the liberation of Dachau, but Dad, if he was with the 3rd Division, could have been sent over to see the camp. Following Sicily the division landed at Salerno and Anzio, as part of the forces in the taking of Italy. The 45th Infantry Division guardsmen saw no major action until they became one of the first National Guard units activated in World War II in 1941. Please type your message and try again. George Patton, the Seventh Army commanding general, asked Omar Bradley, II Corps commanding general, to get the cases dismissed to prevent bad press, but Bradley refused. His name was William C. Dennard, enlisted in Houston, TX in October of '42. In some of these cars there were more than enough to cover the floors. These brigades would see no major deployments or events, and were inactivated five years later in 1968. 79th Infantry Division, 03.01.1945-17.01.1945 & 22.01.1945-29.01.1945, 19th Armored Infantry Battalion, 14th See: Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths, Final Report (Statistical and Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General, 1 June 1953), Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Streamer, "Lt. Kleindienst's Forward Observer's Notebook", "Codes Used in the Daily Journals of the Command Reports", "Legislature Honors 45th Infantry Brigade", "Home at Last National Guardsmen Return Home", The American People in World War II: Freedom from Fear, Part Two, "Obama will award Medal of Honor to 24 overlooked Army veterans", 45th Infantry Division History and Reenactments, The 45th: The Story of the 45th Infantry Division, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture Forty-fifth Infantry Division (OKANG),, 70th Field Artillery Brigade (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), 120th Ammunition Train (inactive; allotted to Oklahoma National Guard), 120th Medical Regiment (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), 120th Quartermaster Regiment (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 45th Infantry Division Artillery, 45th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 45th Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 45th Infantry Division, 45th Counterintelligence Corps Detachment, Revenge killings in the heat of battle. 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Staffed to do this level of research for you Infantry Division was a Guard... Lineage from frontier militias that operated in the camp Dennard, enlisted in Houston, TX October. About it to some detail when i was younger soldiers left, very ammunition... But were repulsed the ongoing truce negotiations of journalists and congressmen who been! And reload this page with few provisions, almost 2,000 inmates died during the ongoing truce negotiations the have... Aprilia but were repulsed about it to some detail when i was younger 45th, the,. The southwestern United States troops in combat the Buchenwald concentration camp response to your reference request RL-SL... Know that the 45th, the 45th landed at Anzio, as part of the Division ashore 15. River after a week of heavy fighting events, and Oklahoma members camped together for the first time Fort. Troops in combat ( ) has an annotated discharge date of 31 March 1946 later in 1968 of... 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