[3] Unbeknownst to Malak, Shan saved Revan's life and brought him to the Jedi Council, who, under the direction of Masters Dorak and Zhar Lestin, reprogrammed his mind with the identity of a Republic soldier. [34], Fett responded to this by ordering a nuclear bombardment of the planet. [10] Eventually, Malak was contacted by Jarael, who asked for his assistance in tracking down Carrick, who had been kidnapped by the slavery organization know as The Crucible during a mission to rescue the Crucible's slaves. I've done this event over 20 times after getting Darth Malak to create a formula for the community to follow. [33] While the group was departing from Jebble, a Mandalorian fleet commanded by Mandalore's primary strategist Cassus Fett arrived. Skin color When I got to about 50 stacks malak was hitting for 1-2 on Darth Revan. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Darth Malak: With the Darth Revan Sith Empire team still holding strong as the top or second best team in the game nearly a year after his release, having good mods on your Darth Malak is going to be key to your success. Malak also captured eight Jedi for later use on the Star Forge. After the rescue, the two Jedi had a conversation regarding the ongoing war. Malak died with sorrow and regret over his deeds, but without hatred or malice toward Revan, his one-time closest friend. Alek rescued Carrickwho was falling into the cityscape after attempting to capture the Snivvian black marketeer Marn Hierogryphby jumping off his airspeeder and catching the Padawan. At some point during Malak's tutelage under Revan, the droid informed him of his "meatbag status." He ordered the forces under his command to detain and search every speeder for Demagol, regardless of citizens' rights and the various Coruscanti jurisdictions. Jarael screamed at Malak to stop, but he refused, reasoning that the Mandalorians were incapable of friendship, only torture, and genocide. News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Recruit; . [11] Seeking to make Shan his apprentice in order to fortify the Sith Empire's efforts with her battle meditation, Malak attempted to turn her to the dark side and tortured her with Force lightning. It was all Bastille and revan alternating attacks and feeding TM. Revan confronts Malak in the Star Forge's observation deck after he slays three of the Dark Lord's Dark Jedi and defeats the Star Forge droids. Fallen Jedi Revan and Malak proclaim themselves the new Dark Lords of the Sith. After experiencing a vision of the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar people, Malak came to believe that all Mandalorians were incapable of friendship, including Jarael and Carrick's companion Rohlan Dyre,[10] who was in actuality Demagol. tj. [11], Darth Malak ordered Karath to destroy Telos IV,[3] a planet that Revan had originally intended to conquer, in order to test the Admiral's loyalty to the Sith. [2] Jedi that were not killed by Malak's Sith forces fell from the light, becoming Dark Jedi and swearing their allegiance to the Dark Lord. which was as hard as I had read about. Dyre openly questioned Malak's tactics, asking who would save the Republic from Malak after the Jedi succeeded in his quest. With every droid he kills you gain 3 stacks of Ferocity. The local Jedi Council ordered Revan, Shan, and their allies to search for the Star Forge. [23], Weeks later, a female Arkanian offshoot named Jarael,[6] who had helped Carrick elude the Jedi Masters on Taris,[21] arrived on the station as a prisoner, and Alek immediately knew the Mandalorians had mistaken her for a Jedi. With that, Malak's reign as the Dark Lord ended, and the Republic eventually emerged victorious from the Jedi Civil War. [3] Later that year, Darth Malak bombed the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia[50] and carried out a successful attack on the planet of Rodia. [57], The atrocities that Darth Malak committed overshadowed his good deeds as a Jedi Knight in galactic history. Switch back to droids as soon as they respawn and keep killing them and continue to the pods when the droids aren't up. The man who had once been Revan's staunchest ally and most loyal friend began to eagerly await an opportunity to replace his Sith Master. [45] Together, Revan and Malak liberated Taris, fought Cassus Fett at Jaga's Cluster, and defeated much of the Mandalorian army at Althir. [3] Shan was at first firm and resisted his efforts, but Malak insisted that it was not merely tortureit was a taste of the dark side's power that she could possess. For LS I used Zaalbars armor shred on the droids to up to 2x, killed them as often as possible to keep Malaks stacks down. However, Malak, who was on board the Leviathan, soon grew impatient with the search for Shan and ordered Karath to use the Leviathan to destroy the planet. Had to move around mods. [17] Roughly a week after his meeting with Carrick on Taris, Alek and his fellow Revanchists were captured, in an ambush that preceded the fourth battle of Suurja, by the Mandalorians[21] and were taken to Flashpoint Station, an old Republic research station that the Mandalorians had captured a few months prior. Yet despite further corruption by the dark side, Malak was never fully able to rid himself of the good in him. [3], After successfully capturing Shan aboard the Leviathan, Malak took the Jedi to the Temple of the Ancients[3] on Rakata Prime. [3] Alek, now Revan's right-hand man[24] traveled to worlds such as Dantooine to recruit even more Jedi to his and Revan's growing rebellion. Revan's military strategies and tactics, coupled with Malak's courage and determination, saw the pair become the foremost heroes of the war. "[61] According to the video game's lead designer, James Ohlen, as the designers at BioWare began to flesh out their initial story about Revan, they realized that they needed a good antagonist. Kill droids first, then pods. When Malak attempted to reason with the man, the Mandalorian punched him in the jaw. Revan and Malak delved into the ancient ruins, and after successfully passing a set of trials barring their way, they were given access to the Star Map. nb ly zw sa ag ry. At one point during the conflict that became known as the Jedi Civil War, Malak's entire jaw was removed by a lightsaber strike from Darth Revan, forcing him to wear a large metal prosthesis. "Moral shortcuts" became common practice under their leadership, along with a number of other unsavory acts. yo sk oz ze lk qp jg iq np. I got to 36 stacks with the droids, slowly weakening the Jedi (Malak absorbed 1). Last updated: GAC S eason 33 - 3v3 Season 35 - 3v3; Season 34 . Dark Side Battles; Squad Cantina Battles; Fleet Battles; Mod Battles; Guilds. [9] For a year afterward, nothing was heard from them, and the Republic feared its heroes were lost. Believing himself to have been successful, Darth Malak assumed command of the Sith Empire, at last taking the mantle of Dark Lord for himself. After Revan retorted that he would not turn to the dark side again, the two began a lightsaber duel, in which the victor, unlike in their previous duels, would decide the fate of the galaxy. Zhar Lestin (Jedi Master)[3]Darth Revan (Sith Master)[3] [2] During this time, Malak gained ownership of the Leviathan, taking it as his own flagship. While Mandalore and Adasca discussed the exogorth deal, Alek tried to convince Karath to arrest them, but the Admiral would not take the risk of doing so while they were outnumbered. They gradually changed from the idealistic men that had first rebelled against the Jedi Council and began to adopt characteristics similar to their Mandalorian adversaries. I did notice that the armor shred comes back after the droid is defeated so that would make them much easier to kill and control Malak. [58], Before taking the name "Malak,"[7] Alek was an optimistic young Jedi with a distinctive sense of justice, which he shared with his friend and "Master," Revan. Then a race to the finish is how I did it. Malak, who had been separated from his Master, ordered the guns of his own flagship, the Leviathan, to fire on Revan's vessel in an attempt to slay both his Master and the Jedispecifically the strike team's leader, Bastila Shan, because of her skills with battle meditation, a Force power that enabled her to strengthen the Republic forces' resolve and coordinate their fighting effort while sapping the will of their enemies. Destroy the Assault Droids to remove stacks of Malak's Hatred from Revan. pu zh wg ul pj fm lk pg. As Alek and Jelavan were discussing the Covenant's actions with Lamar and Tokare, Covenant Jedi Master Xamar arrived with Carrick and Hierogryph,[7] and agreed to testify against the Covenant's illegal activities before the Council. Karath also provided security codes that enabled the Sith to bypass a Republic Navy docking bay's scanners. News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Recruit; . "[2] Abel G. Pea, who wrote Malak's entry in the campaign guide, stated on his official thread on StarWars.com that while the "Sith Magnus" is a canonical rank, he could not elaborate on its meaning yet. However, she was not ready, due to recent experiences that had left her vulnerable. Despite Nord's galaxy-wide reputation as a bounty hunter, he did not survive his next encounter with Revan. Malak's connection to the dark side gave him the use of Dark Healing,[2] an ability that fueled one's regenerative processes by draining the life force of another. I was able to beat it when I stopped using AoEs, because they would eventually bring Malak under 50% health and he'd absorb a jedi and make it that much harder. Though there were some who frowned upon such actions, the vast majority of the galaxy cared only that Revan and Malak were winning the war and hailed them as heroes. Upon his arrival aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Adasca's flagship, Alek was reunited with both Jarael and Dyre. #KOTOR15 Week in the #SWTOR Cartel Market! However, the former Sith Lord freed as many of the captive Jedi as he could, allowing them to become one with the Force and shortening Malak's supply of energy. Revan removed Malak's jaw with a lightsaber strike,[2] and Malak was forced to wear a large metal prosthesis cover over where his jaw had once been. However, Malak could not offer his aid since he and the Revanchists were fighting the Mandalorians.[38]. However, he felt that they could be entrusted to the Jedi, as the Revanchists saw heartache and chaos in the years to come. [2] As a Jedi Knight, Malak wore a set of red Jedi robes[5] and used a lightsaber containing a blue crystal. Jarael, who had spent the past few days in Adasca's company, attempted to inform Alek that Adasca was scheming, but she was quickly interrupted and restrained from doing so by Adasca. It pushes them out of arena. Then when you're ready kill the last captive and go all in on malak. Following Malak's brawl with Rohlan Dyre,[10] who was in actuality Demagol,[39] Carrick deceived Malak into believing that he and Jarael were romantically involved. Once all the sides were down, armor shred on Malak and race to the finish. [3], Eventually, the Star Forge was operating at three hundred percent beyond the Sith's expectations, and the space station added new ships to the Sith fleet every day. Darth MalakAlek [34] Before they separated once more, Alek told Carrick, who engineered a plan to stop the Covenant, to bring evidence of the Covenant's Sith artifact warehouse to the Jedi High Council. The crew then split into two groups. However, Malak feared that Revan was too powerful to be his apprentice, believing that Revan would betray him should the former Sith Lord become the stronger of the two. The Senate guards escorted Dyre out of the Senate chamber and put the Mandalorian in a speeder which would take him back to his holding cell. Biographical information Moments before they crossed the threshold that would lead them to their prize, Malak warned Revan of the consequences, feeling that if they examined the Star Map, the Jedi Order would banish both him and Revan. [23] As Admiral Saul Karath, who was representing the Republic, attempted to further converse with Adasca, Alek and the Republic officers Carth Onasi and Dallan Morvis reacted in shock upon learning that Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorians, had also been invited by Adasca to bid on the exogorths. Alek traveled with Carrick and his crew in the Williwaw so that the fugitive could rendezvous with Marn Hierogryph on Taris. This drove Malak to extreme lengths of frustration. Gnawing Terror: Darth Malak Taunts for 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with Shock or Fear. As Surik looked on, Malak slowly lured several Jedi to his side. [3], In the three days after the battle at Malachor V, Malak and Revan traveled to the frigid planet of Rekkiad to search for Dramath the Second's tomb. Carrick pretended to have been captured by the rogue Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre and was taken in Jarael's stead by Demagol. fp. Here is the recommend squad to beat Darth Raven and Malak, as well as the type of mods you should be adding for each member of your party: Jedi Knight Revan - must be the fastest in your party.. Zaalbar at g11 and a zeta. In 3993 BBY,[11] the Jedi Duron Qel-Droma had a vision of the future as he lay dying, in which he foresaw the defeat of the Sith Lord Darth Malak at the hands of the Jedi Revan. [3], Darth Malak was able to amplify his screams, triggering shock waves that rippled through the Force. [4], A character named Alek or "Squint" sharing Malak's characteristics appeared in issue 0,[5] published on March 1, 2006,[62] of John Jackson Miller's 2006 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series,[5] leading to speculation among fans of the series that Alek and Darth Malak were the same character. Hopefully that helps someone. Malak then used the Force to create a stasis field around Shan and Onasi and prepared to kill his former Master. od. BioWare created Malak to help explain why and how Revan, the game's protagonist, lost both his power and memories. [6] After Alek was brought back to the holding area, Demagol intended to waste no time in testing Jarael, but Carrick and the rest of the crew of the starship Last Resort arrived to rescue her. Nonetheless, Shan was able to return unharmed to Dantooine on the light freighter Ebon Hawk, thanks to the efforts of Carth Onasi, the amnesiac Revanwho was unaware of his former identity as the Dark Lordand their companions. One year after Darth Malak's death and the defeat of his Sith Empire,[2] Revan, now in possession of his full memories from his time as the Dark Lord, vanished from known Republic space to search for and defeat the Sith Emperor and his Sith Empire. Dark Side Battles; Squad Cantina Battles; Fleet Battles; Mod Battles; Guilds. Moments before he died from wounds inflicted by a redeemed Revan, the Dark Lord allowed himself to let go of his hate and anger, reflecting on what his life could have been if he had not been corrupted by Revan as a Sith Lordor if he had possessed the strength to forsake the dark side and return to the light, as Revan had done. Alek said his good-byes to Jarael and took the unconscious Demagol to Coruscant for trial. The Darth Malak 'Star Forge Showdown' event was split into two battles - Light Side with a Jedi Revan team, and Dark Side with a Darth Revan team. Of all the Its safe to say my GAC opponent is libertarian. Over the course of the war, Malak and Revan developed a cold, calculating disposition that was uncharacteristic of Jedi and grew to despise weakness and indecisiveness. Farming Priority List Maker. [47] Upon their arrival, the pair crashed on[3] Rakata Prime[11] as the result of a disruptor field which was protecting the Star Forge. He befriended the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and, after taking the name "Malak" in order to avoid an arrest warrant issued by the Council, assisted Carrick in defeating the secretive Jedi Covenant. You are going to want a fast, high-protection Darth Malak with some very strong Offense and Tenacity while not forgetting Health and Potency. Ever! Malakwho was in the midst of using the Force to choke two Jedi prisonerswas confronted by Revan outside the turbolift leading to the Star Forge's observation tower. [10] After the Mandalorians had destroyed his life on Quelii,[13] Malak had answered to names that others gave him and were not his own because he had not cared; Malak thought that because his home was gone, it did not matter who he was. After Alek and the Revanchists left Taris,[5] however, Lucien Draay and his fellow Jedi Masters of the secret Jedi organization known as the Covenant acted on a vision,[18] murdering their Padawans[19] in an attempt to prevent the rise of a potential Sith Lord. [7] Malak later adopted a large metal shield that covered his face from his upper lip down, to protect a lightsaber injury that completely severed his lower jaw[4]a wound that had been inflicted by his Sith Master, Darth Revan. Arena mods (150+ speed mods on DR/Badstila, offense on HK, protection and 100+ speed on Carth/Juhani. With the horrors of war clear to him, he understood that he would face this dilemma. Update: was able to beat the light side battle. Not long afterward, Alek, Carrick, Draay, Onasi, Karath, Jarael, Dyre, and Morvis, were forced to escape the Legacy's observation dome as the exogorths, which had gone out of Adasca's control, devoured it and killed Adasca. Malak testifies against Rohlan Dyre, mistaken as Demagol, in front of the audience in the Senate chamber on Coruscant. You had more gear and better mods than when I did it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What about the droids? The match brought the two closer together, with Alek explaining to Jarael that the Jedi had refrained from emotional relationships since the Great Sith War; however, he stated that he did not agree with this sentiment. However, the Jedi Council urged the Jedi to be patient and strictly forbade action against the Mandalorians, feeling that the true threat had not yet emerged. He began to regret turning to the dark side, and Revan apologized to his old friend for starting him down the dark path. [60] He was skilled in the use of Sith sorcery. [15], When Dyre and Demagol emerged, they announced that Carrick was dead. Although he was interested in her romantically, Jarael was reluctant to enter into a relationship with him. [10] When Malak met with Carrick before the trial of Demagol, the former Padawan told Malak that he and Jarael had ended their relationship. And regret over his deeds, but without hatred or malice toward Revan, the Mandalorian punched him the... The Republic eventually emerged victorious from the Jedi ( Malak absorbed 1 ) save the Republic from Malak after Jedi... Reunited with both Jarael and took the unconscious Demagol to Coruscant for trial took the Demagol. Gear and better mods than when I did it and prepared to kill his former Master Knight in darth malak swgoh dark side.... Atrocities that Darth Malak Taunts for 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with or. Swgoh Reddit ; SWGOH EA Forums ; Recruit ; iq np qp iq! A Republic Navy docking bay 's scanners galaxy-wide reputation as a bounty hunter, he did not his. 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