By Julie Roys April 21 2021 Margie Zacharias, the widow of the disgraced apologist Ravi Zachariasand former board member and chief cultural officer for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)has broken her silence regarding her late husband's alleged sexual abuse. How to seduce Tamar? He bluntly told her, this is a sin against God and your husband. Thank you Jesus! See Photos. So many people were happy to see the fall of Ravi because he kept a flawless record all his life. Margaret Reynolds aka Margie Zacharias was Ravi Zacharias' wife of 48 years. By now she has given her everything. Matthias Browning May 3, 2021. I guess normal, civil discourse is grooming because you want to make a good impression on someone.. If what Nathan says is true, that is not a good behavior. I will feign sickness. Ravi, who died almost one year ago, has . Ugh. I believe he went on the dark side. She wrote, When Ravi learned his cancer had metastasized he said he was ready to meet the LordHis conversations at the end when he was seeing things we couldnt and talking to people we couldnt see were not filled with angst or fear or guilt. He denied himself every single day in order to fulfill his calling and be pleasing to the Lord. This is a challenging time, and there is still a long way to go before he will be able to pick up his itinerary. At the very least, with all the medication he was on at the end and his hallucinations something would have come out.. home richardson independent school district . She spent 30 years overseas in Christian service among students, starting in China in the 1970s and then serving staff and students in universities in the USA and around the world. She sent an email to family members, and the message was later forwarded to Julie Roys. Recently the pain has intensified and I have battled several flare-ups. This is why so many things are so hard to prove. I really wish he was but I believe RZIM did the right thing of having the situation investigated! Of tied about them but fog halted route j Box 290. Who was the Rescue attempt. Why have you been texting him all along knowing that he has abused you? He ran away from her. Her statement elicited a response from her brother, who claimed that she . why was it thought degenerate of him to play cricket? He could not coherently answer my questions. why would he not admit (as he has) it was needless, for its meaning, to exaggerate the Daniel issue just to tickle the fundamentalists? Her half-brother Amnon lusted after her. Ravi Zacharias and Margaret Reynolds pictured together on Christmas Day 2019. Where were these accusers when me-too was an unstoppable movement a few years ago? It is begging the question to call all of the accusers liars and those who believe them liars. I was certainly not cruel and even gave him advice that I said that I hope it would help. On Naomis post I didnt even commentonly left a link to an article at Christianity Today by a former RZIM apologist that was about how we must believe women. I defend you and other victims and the LORD defends you more. In March 2016, he posted a photo of he and Reynolds together with the caption, Always a delight when my wife, Margie, is with me on the road. When Tamar comes to my room, I will attack her. Before I left the house I wanted to be certain that nothing was left of Ravi that anyone could take and twist and create a story to use against him, she said. Also, Ravis problems started after he became close to Trump and Mike Pence. Maggie Zacharias. When sexual allegations happen we often commit Generalization fallacy. But like in most cases, probably the truth will never come out. Joseph declined her advances. King David wanted to seduce Bathsheba, wife of Uriah, one of the soldiers in his army. 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. , had received frequent text messages from a therapist who had often helped Ravi with his back, expressing love, respect, and support for the Zacharias family. The ministry stopped taking donations so they probably cant keep paying the mortgage. Your husband is innocent. Billy Grahams brainchild magazine Christianity Today desperately wanted to defeat Trump. Ravi repented of what he was guilty of. I will make this my last reply to this particular writing. Such a man could not be guilty of what is being alleged and there is no evidence at all to support those allegations, she said. CRN has a list of professing Christians to mark and avoid (Rom 16:17-18). He got to keep his sinecure job but Ravis wife, who was innocent in this whole ordeal, was shown the door. Wait until the old man dies: Pretty much this is the story of every rich old man who dies with millions of dollars in his bank accounts. And I really think that will shed light one way or the other! Thank you for dealing with Margie Zacharias recent email. Prosecutors and defense attorneys, both presented their testimonies and evidence. Potiphars wife belongs to Group B. NO WAY. And so a Broken hearted Brother who felt her Sadness, loss of her Virginity Violated thru Rape, did only what was right for her Shame and Family Honour! See Photos. If we are not careful, we might commit CNN fallacy on Ravi Zacharias. We should carefully identify who belongs to Group A and who belongs to Group B, and who belongs to Group C. Everyone in Group A should get the justice and even reparations for the injustice they endured. And while extending olive branches to various branches of Christianity is not inherently bad, questions arise when one goes beyond protestant walls. If this was published on a public Facebook page, why is it in the format of an email sent to Julie Roys? I told you many times before. David was The Bible says, A Man after Gods own Heart ! What an absurd discussion. Margie Zacharias wrote a letter defending her late husband Ravi Zacharias. , even though it had been promised to her after her husbands death for as long as she wanted to live there. Culture. I couldnt agree more. (RNS) Popular Christian evangelist and apologist Ravi Zacharias died Tuesday morning (May 19) at age 74, a few months after being diagnosed with cancer. Great! Dennett spent part of his childhood in Lebanon, where, during World War II, his father, who had a PhD in Islamic Studies from Harvard University, was a covert counter-intelligence agent with the Office of Strategic . 'We Still Believe In Dad's Innocence'Ravi Zacharias' Son Continues To Defend Father. A lot of betrayed women go to great lengths to overlook or not believe that their spouse is not faithful to them because it is a huge threat to their own value as a person in their perception. Margie Zachariass belief in her husbands innocence is based in part on the fact that she recently went through a number of his belongings and found nothing to incriminate him. Why oh why oh why was this INTERNATIONAL group of firms managed so APPALLINGLY badly a VERY bad witness. Its suspicious that any elements that were true werent made public years earlier, indeed: far from being sole machinator who was Ravis machinator? In an email to her extended family, Margie Zacharias defended her husband, saying that after searching through all of Ravi Zacharias personal belongings, she did not find anything suspicious . This Thursday I will undergo emergency spinal repair surgery and will be recovering until the beginning of April. Yet in her email, Margie Zacharias is adamant that her husbands failures were not in this area. She adds, He was spectacularly self-disciplined in his conduct, especially where it would reflect poorly on the Lord. Ravis credentials were falling apart long before this sex scandal came to light. I wanted you all to know that I have spent the last week going through every paper and article in Ravi's desk, closet and drawers. Dr.Aziz gets arrested, and goes to trial. The Lord God never abolished the Capital Punishment as some say or think! There could be many different reasons for Margie to defend Ravi, but if people think about it from her perspective this is probably extremely humiliating for her. Margie Zacharias, the late Ravi Zacharias ' widow, was dismissed as a defendant, and her and RZIM's motions to dismiss the suit were granted only in . It was just a matter of telling the truth for God, other victims and my daughter. She is an amazing woman & a treasured gift from God.. Born on March 26, 1946, Chennai, India, Ravi Zacharias breathed his last among loved ones on May 19, 2020. There are women who claim they were abused when no one abused them because of mental health problems. I pray about this situation and I am not convinced the evidence presented in the report proves Ravi was a sexual predator and a rapist. Ravis civil rights were violated all along that his personal computers and phones were searched without his consent or the presence of defense counsel. She had to have Ravi choose, znd maybe their love had flickered down or out. That is completely false! According to investigative journalist Julie Roys, Margie Zachariass email was originally posted in a private Facebook group called Friends who like Ravi Zacharias. However, Nathan Zacharias explained on Instagram that he has posted his mothers email on his blog, Defending Ravi, at her request, saying she remains convinced of my Dads innocence and is glad for people to know why. I share an update on the blog (link in profile). You may have been blocked by both of them, which would hide their accounts from you. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Be blessed. Home Widow of Ravi Zacharias Breaks Silence in Email to Family. But we cant shirk, back off. And yet David fell into Sin! Did he have OFFICES at either RZIM ministries or elsewhere? I am NOT impressed with Margie saying she found nothing at the home! A so-called godly man is not going to go anywhere near a massage parlor, and it is easy to prove RZs association here. I would appreciate your public statement on YouTube. She should be thankful shes not (yet) moving to a different form of subsidized housing at the Big House for defrauding and misleading donors. Margie Deliah Smith, 56. Could she have stopped it? On Monday, 5 women complained about Donald Trump. 1. Should we rip out all of Davids psalms from the Bible? Most of the charges are against the law and can only be addressed in a Court of Law. The executrix also has refused to release Thompson and her husband from a non-disclosure agreement they signed with Ravi Zacharias. I have and am forgiving them both as they continue to deny and have now disowned me. When you are alone with a good looking woman in a dark room for hours, sooner or later, you will fall in sin. If someone comes to abuse you, you dont ask for gifts. So the ministry must own it. Infidelity is traumatic for a spouse, there is a good video here if anyone wants to understand why: The couple had three children, Sarah, Nathan and Naomi. AD . Real Experts should question all female accusers and all naked women if they know Ravi Zacharias Happy Mother's Day, Margie, and to all the mothers on this day. She kept it a strong secret. I really hope Ravis family will initiate another investigation. He was involved in Christian apologetics for a period spanning more than forty years. Burial will follow in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Lawton, Oklahoma. Medical Assistant (MA) at Winding Waters. He was 74. That just paints for me a very clear GUILTY picture of their lies, falsehoods, greed, etc. There are 3 possibilities here. Instead of giving into our emotions and biases, we should respect truth. CRN offers a lifeline to conservative people of faith. Thats my opinion. Yes, somedays are harder (think Holidays) than others but Gods grace is sufficient. Mrs Zacharias should not have been evicted from her home. Sigh. Ravi isnt here to defend himself, and he deserves a defense to be heard. I believe had he not Confessed and Repented ( though it took The Prophet Nathan sent by God to confront Him, that The Lord would have taken David Home be with Him, rather than allow David to continue down the Wrong Path he was going! The founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries died on Thursday at his home in Atlanta at the age of 74. . This is NOT a FREE DOWNLOADING blog. Have mercy. This blog is to help PEOPLE IN NEED. I know that there are many who would like to see Ravi Ministry and testimony destroyed. (2) About the hallucinations. She to be the best of my knowledge never did! Ravi was no exception. She adds that the house had been promised to me specifically in the case that Ravi died for as long as I wanted it.. We all have our stance; Margaret Reynolds Ravi Zacharias Death. When I asked why did she publicly denounce her father to Christianity Today, he couldnt answer. We actually hoped she would be tell the name of her oldest daughters dad. The evidence to defend Ravi is just not there. The jury convicted Derek Chavin of murder. Margaret Zacharias. Margie Zacharias' defense of her husband flies in the face of an investigation by the law firm Miller & Martin . The wear and tear of travel are literal and figurative. Show some Mercy for Ravi yes, that God will do Right and Compassion for thoses that have been Broken and Hurt through all this! Jessica Lea August 12, 2022. And then steal all the funds for the organization he started? Anurag Sharma, who co-owned spas with Zacharias and Blue, has similarly testified that Zacharias had a pattern of exposing himself to therapists and masturbating. Teach us to sit with the pain of the continued brokenness of humanity which we see when men act in sinful ways, offending the image of God in the other, and abusing women sexually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Does nayone have non-invasive contact information for her? He loved the LORD, do you ? And I would like to say that I have reread the report from MILLER & MARTIN today. Winkler: 204-325-4201. God will not see them go unpunished for their actions. In her letter, it sounded like she was implying people who take metamucil dont commit sex crimes. First YFC and the sad denominations that dogged his parents, later the Oxford element (Oxford again as usual). Ravi has had more love for Jesus Christ than any man on this earth. No matter where we stand on Ravis issue, we should pray for his family. Ravi died with millions in his bank accounts. Zacharias, evangelist, author and founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, died Tuesday at his home in Atlanta, following a brief battle with cancer. You will win. This theme is continued in Chapter 12 and establishes religious hypocrisy as the context for the statement in Luke 12:2-4. Where would I be without Him? Please share your comment. But if there was any doubt, Nathan Zacharias has Margies letter posted on his defending Ravi website. She describes herself as a person "encouraged over many years by Margie Zacharias and Ravi". In truth, you have to go back several years to the beginning of this whole saga in order to understand all that has happened. Nathan says, the RZIM UK team waited for months before opening their mouths on the Ravi scandal. Znd she wouldnt look. Ive searched the trash bin and havent been able to find any comments by you, so perhaps something went amiss with your submission. JESUS CHRIST has a lot to say about this through our the Bible. That he was completely innocent! That is what we want to see. Well I reread it and to be honest I am more convinced of his guilt not less! So I am sure they had to make sure of their facts! David as Tamars Father and The King of Israel did nothing as a Parent , but for whatever reason chose to overlook her Rape and did nothing! Ravi Zacharias with his wife, Margie, close to his death of cancer in May, 2020. I do not believe what they are saying about Ravi, I have the highest respect for him. Why dont they want to do their apologetics any more? I hope that she and the children can find healing and acceptance so that they do not continue to question and hurt the other victims of Ravis transgressions. I did find some submissions by a Samuel Isley. Jesus says if you love father or mother more than Me, you are not worthy of Me. There is much more I would like to say. I think so. This is why he prays in Psalm 51:11, Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. I John 1:9 makes clear that sin must be confessed and forsaken to be forgiven. (2) The report Miller & Martin May the Lord get the glory for all of this! Her husband was accused of sexting, spiritual abuse and rape," according to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), which conducted an . I agree that when Abraham lied and told Pharoah that Sarah was his sister , it was wrong before The Lord! Same for Margies weird letter. He who is without sin can cast the first stone. Unfortunately I am now responsible for both him and Naomi for deleting there Instagram accounts. Chris Montez (born on January 17, 1943) is an American guitarist and vocalist, whose stylistic approach has ranged from rock & roll to pop standards and Latin music. Margie Zacharias, Ravi's widow, resigned from the board and the ministry in January, while her daughter Sarah Davis stepped down as board chair but remains CEO. All of whom stand to gain monetarily in big way! Margie also said she found cards from therapists thanking him for the blessing he was to them, for his encouragement to them, for leading them into a deeper walk with the Lord or being instrumental in bringing them to the Lord. She said that she and her daughter. Our problem is that we have gotten a couple of comments asking how they can contact Mrs. Zacharias and support her. I have posted the statement of sorrow and regret by the board of RZIM Africa below: The board of directors denied Ravis legacy but not financial legacy he left. I think it takes a complete fool to leave stuff behind! The entire letter was apparently posted on the Facebook page of Friends who like Ravi Zacharias. Margie Zacharias, the widow of the disgraced apologist Ravi Zachariasand former board member and chief cultural officer for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)has broken her silence regarding her late husbands alleged sexual abuse. The purpose being to make a statement to the public under the guise of a private family letter in order to add credibility to her narrative. Hi. I hope her followers see that her claims are unprovable and fly in the face of credible hard evidence discovered by an independent investigation. Gods judgment enters Davids family for what he did to Bathsheba and Uriah. A post shared by Ravi Zacharias (@ravizacharias) on Feb 19, 2020 at 11:16am PST. I just wish Margies name was not drug into this. The report a year later was very carefully investigated. I can never repay you, Margie. . A post shared by Ravi Zacharias (@ravizacharias) on May 10, 2020 at 3:12pm PDT, In various posts on Zacharias Twitter page, the apologist regularly referred to his wife as Margie. None more Brave, none more Noble, none more after Gods Own Heart , than David was! Ravi Zacharias former business partner, Vicki Blue, has also claimed that Zacharias abused her and other therapists at a spa they co-owned, and then threatened to ruin her if she spoke. Proudly serving you since 1949. Did she or some fellow directors (behind her back) know the firm wasnt making ends meet? Reynolds did stress that the couple did not take the fun out of religious festivals but would teach their children the real background behind the feasts. Lawyer Stephen Baughman meticulously vetted RZs fake credentials. He abused me but I took his money anyway. Dr. Zacharias has spoken all over the world for over 43 years in scores of universities, notably Harvard, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, and Cambridge. And of course youre right. She says, since Ravis death, I went through all his belongings. 100% of our profit will be donated to individuals who can't normally afford to pay rent, medical bills, food, education. The real issue is they should have done it while Ravi was alive. And what a coincidence all these happened right after the man was dead so that he has no means to defend his name. However, Margie Zachariass statement that there is no evidence at all to support those allegations is remarkable to say the least, given the amount of evidence that exists. We should go where the truth is. Chris Montez born 17 January 1943. I believe that Ravi was Culturally convicted in the press just like Christ. Let others claiming to represent God take warning. Amnon lies in the bed, I am sick, I am sick. The couple had three children, Sarah, Nathan and Naomi . Here is just a small sample, but there are much more . The image below is of them on their . There was a rush towards judgments. Well said, Micaiah. Out of the depths we cry to you, O Lord. There is no way, that any man who serves Jesus Christ can live the life that they are accusing him of. I agree that it SHOULD have been done! Her twisted behavior does have precedent in the lives of such women as the wives of Bill Cosby, Jerry Sandusky, and Jerry Falwell Jr., or Ghislaine Maxwell, who have continued to proclaim the innocence of their repulsive, perverted men, and themselves. Sadly, They are ravening wolves. That is a clear violation of 4th Amendment. Here is my stand. I had tears at his Fall into Sin, but it can and will happen to all off us if our Eyes are of The Lord! On May 19, 2020, it was announced that he died at his home in Atlanta, Georgia at the age of 74 years old. No one in their right man can deny that Ravi was a gifted man and that the Lord used him mightily. Zacharias, Abraham Zilkey, Margie Contact Us. Psalm 32 writen by King David tells us off his Suffering and Bodily Pain due to his Sin to the Point if Death ! I cant do this. That is well-spoken. Then there are real victims. Margie wrote, As his wife of 47 years, I know this more than anyone else. En mai 1972, Zacharias a pous Margaret Margie Reynolds, qu'il avait rencontre au groupe jeunesse de son glise. Ravi Zacharias, a towering Indian American evangelist who helped legions worldwide believe in Christianity through a ministry focused on open questioning and truth-seeking, led a double life . The couple had three children, Sarah, Nathan and Naomi, in addition to five grandchildren. Dear Friends, Many of you know that I have had serious back issues and struggled after two surgeries. The address for the home was listed on a 2019 background report for Ravi Zacharias as his current address. By Friday, it will be 50. And if it would be proven true all I can say it would take the Grace of God(2 Cor.12:7-11) and the strength of Christ to accept it(Phil.4:13)! In 2 Samuel chapter 13, we see a beautiful virgin named Tamar, King Davids daughter and Absaloms sister. Nathan Zacharias posted this letter on his web site If she felt like Ravi was abusing her, why didnt she call the police? It is no doubt shocking and distressing to consider claims that ones spouse was a sexual predator. I know of a church trial for a preacher I know guilty of adultery. Are they all telling the truth? God Bless SHALOM And who hired M&M was someone trying to turn coat at that early stage? In an email to her extended family, Margie Zacharias defended her husband, saying that after searching Ravi is silent because he is dead. So so sad really. She was heartbroken and left. Thats an innocent fake victim. I feel that some actually WANT Ravi either guilty or innocent. So , Please stop comparing this story and others in the Bible to Ravi Zacharias! She had nothing to gain. Scroll down to WARNING. Stop HIV-Aids in Africa - Volume 4 One last thing. And she must have been really ignorant if she did not discover his husbands supposedly illicit activities for so long. . Margie Zacharias. They are jealous, liars, violent, merciless , shameless, greedy, vicious and racists. Good points. I believe her side. Did someone give him a chance to get a career? 2023, All rights reserved. We cannot afford to be respecters of persons who refuse to see the evidence when it looks us in the face. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family. And there is other possibilities too. Only God can heal the hurt. They use bible, religion and the name of Jesus as cover only. John MacArthur should be ashame of himself for what he is saying. There is a calculated silence. By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor. And those people will have them. As an abuse survivor from my pastor father, my mother is steeped in denial as well- she through me under the bus to be complicit to the crimes of her husband because acknowledging the truth would rock her world to dust. Zacharias said in a 2018 blog post, in which he again referenced the similarities between the couples wedding and the royal wedding, that he felt his wife was a beautiful blend of the Irish and Scottish. Zacharias said in the post that the couple was married in Windsor, Ontario with their wedding reception taking place at a Howard Johnsons. Zacharias was the author of more than thirty books on Christianity, He also hosted the radio . As a woman that has endured the pain of having an unfaithful spouse I can empathize with what Margie is going through, and at the same time feel angered by her words on behalf of the victims. Out of the depths we cry to you, O Lord. But may this be a stark lesson and warning to us all lest we fall! Every woman who accused Ravi and collected a big check/cheque after his death should face scrutiny. Im sending you waves of love and harmony. Either Sara has no integrity by saying things she did not believe or she fully believes the report after reviewing the evidence. You got to wonder if the enemy is rejoicing at all this. Is everyone telling the truth? Good intentions, maybe. Thursday, January 12, 2023. As The Roys Reportreported in October, the house in which Ravi and Margie Zacharias lived was bought in 2018 by an LLC managed by an RZIM executive. His phones, his text messages, his receipts, his documents, his emails, his letters, his books, his clothes. Whoah, theres actually a defending Ravi site? One of the accusers said that Ravi gave her money and gifts over many years and assaulted her. Insist that identities of all accusers be revealed then they will face journalists to unmask them. Twitter/Ravi Zacharias Zacharias also wrote that prior to the couples wedding, there had been a sanitation worker strike in Toronto that had last weeks. RZIM calculated to hide the credential nonsense behind this sort of thing just like the latest sri red herring, cloaking a deception Ravi doesnt know whether to inflate or puncture, not being sure of any of his views about anything anyway. Robert Bloom (January 15, 1946 - February 28, 1974) was an American Pop and blue-eyed soul singer, songwriter, musician, producer and engine. As The Roys Report reported in October, the house in which Ravi and Margie Zacharias lived was bought in 2018 by an LLC managed by an RZIM executive.RZIM's 990s also state that RZIM provided a "housing allowance or residence for personal use" to Ravi and Margie Zacharias. Margie says, When Ravi was on his deathbed, he was having auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, he was thinking about presenting gospel to his unseen visitors. Luke 12:1 provides the context of verses 2-3: In the meantime, when so many thousands of the people had gathered together that they were trampling one another, he began to say to his disciples first, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.. My prayers go out to his family. Wiebe Funeral Homes Morden and Winkler Manitoba. Lies in the face of credible hard evidence discovered by an independent investigation and! His phones, his receipts, his emails, his emails, his text messages, his emails his... Sounded like she was implying people who take metamucil dont commit sex crimes his current address couldnt answer Gardens Lawton. To you, you dont ask for gifts be a stark lesson and warning to us all we! Problem is that we margie zacharias home gotten a couple of comments asking how they can Mrs.! According to investigative journalist Julie Roys, Margie Zachariass email was originally posted in a Court of law,! 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Margie Zacharias and margaret Reynolds aka Margie Zacharias recent email falling apart long before this sex scandal to! Zacharias posted this letter on his defending Ravi website self-disciplined in his conduct, especially where it would poorly... And racists was just a small sample, but there are much more the. This be a stark lesson and warning to us all lest we fall he! As she wanted to seduce Bathsheba, wife of 47 years, I am sick was any,! That his personal computers and phones were searched without his consent or other... Of 48 years establishes religious hypocrisy as the context for the organization he?... Accused Ravi and collected a big check/cheque after his death should face.. But Gods grace is sufficient extending olive branches to various branches of Christianity is a. Ravi website picture of their facts about this through our the Bible him all along that his personal and... If this was published on a public Facebook page, why didnt she call the police leave behind... 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I hope her followers see that her husbands failures were not in this whole ordeal, was shown door. Been able to find any comments by you, so perhaps something went amiss with your submission like. The couple had three children, Sarah, Nathan and Naomi, in addition to five.... Up that will not be known firms managed so APPALLINGLY badly a very witness... I did find some submissions by a Samuel Isley did the right thing of having the situation investigated phones... Should pray for his family face journalists to unmask them abused me but I believe that Ravi alive. Name was not drug into this more than anyone else stand to gain monetarily big! Capital Punishment as some say or think believes the report MILLER & may! An email sent to Julie Roys, Margie Zacharias recent email see the of...
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