2. She was demon-possessed, and the spirit that controlled her enabled her to foretell the . During the midnight hours, people often encounter bad dreams, and spiritual attacks on their body. These are agents of darkness possessed by the spirit of witchcraft. I'm also a Sunday school teach A Reflection on the Past Year: An Interview with Scott Sauls, Smelling Your Lunch on a Monday: Witnessing Well in the Workplace. I tear off every calendar of untimely death and bad news, in JESUS NAME. There is much to learn from the story of Paul and Silas in Jail. There was the desperate plight of manhis fear, helplessness, and insecurity. Were saying everything is going to be okay because of what God says. Matthew 13:24,25. Your Sunday school kids will love this kids ministry lesson on the singing missionaries Paul and Silas as they encounter a rather annoying woman and end up singing in prison, follows the story found in Acts. Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. Im also a Sunday school teacher and a music leader. But they were determined to give glory to God, who they trusted was in control of their situation. PRAYERS TO RECEIVE THE POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYERS. When the jailer woke up, he drew a sword to kill himself thinking that the prisoners had all escaped. Yet, faith that small could move mountains; basically a minuscule amount of faith can overcome overwhelming obstacles. These attacks are organized by witchcraft powers, marine powers, household powers, strongman, witch doctors etc. His holy name was praised, and the jailer was saved. Paul was annoyed as her cries were hindering his work. . Were saying what we believe. Trinity Confusion, Did Paul Corrupt Christianity, and Did Jesus Claim To Be God? Lets look together at verse 31. Psalm 13:6. This COVID season has been one of the worst times. Paul and Silas were companions during Paul's second missionary journey. The jailer immediately knew who was responsible for the miraculous release and the fact that no one escaped. I want us to see Gods handhow he had arranged all of these things for Paul and Silas. Its midnight. Because that hour could be the time the enemy is working against you. Prayer associated with corporate worship (. Daily Prayer; Prayer Points; Tag: Paul and Silas Morning Prayer: 12 May - Acts 16:22-34; John 16:5-11 ~ under conviction. When we look to Christs example, we can see what a glorious savior we have. Just make prayer your habit and praying in the midnight your way of life or a habit and you see good things begin to happen in your life and family. When I say situation, I mean whats currently happening right now, at this moment. The Jailer led them out and asked what he must do to be saved and entitled to everlasting life. FACT ABOUT THE POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYER WARFARE. He would have appeared to be linking the gospel with demon related activities. At first, he had been dead in his trespasses and sins. If you need prayer, please email dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com. They did and were all baptized. As you defiantly praise the Lord, may something in your life be shaken. After Paul had casted the demon out, he was beaten and arrested because the masters had lost their source of income. (a). Find more resources and videos here. It would look like he was murdered by one of the prisoners when they escaped and this would spare his family the shame of his having been negligent in his duty. If I dont tell you this and you jump into praying in the midnight because it is in the Bible, you will begin to receive serious attacks that you never imagine in your life. Do you also know that not many Christians have the full knowledge of the great power in midnight? Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. , in, The Complete Biblical Library Greek-English Dictionary Pi-Rho, , (Springfield, MO: Complete Biblical Library, 1991), WORD. Any deadly attacks against my destiny, backfire, in the name of Jesus. He was saved, very happy he trusted in God. Any stray bullet from the kingdom of darkness shall not locate my household, in Jesus name. Power of the Most High, wash out every long term affliction in my life, in Jesus name. It has been edited for length and clarity. Paul was annoyed as her cries were hindering his work. . They said, You know what, there are different avenues for us to explore here in prison. And no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can do the same. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. One fundamental key to survival and prisoner resistance on Robben Island came in the form of music. A Mature Faith is what you need to obtain your miracle and heavenly blessings just as Paul and Silas. Midnight prayer is the prayer done at 12am. How can we find the strength to sing in a worst-case scenario? I think that we like to promote ourselves as being strong, confident, and assured of ourselves. The scriptures point out that with faith in God, men can move mountains and displace oceans. You see, knowledge is power. 31 And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said. Accustomed as we are to prison breaks in Acts, this time the account differs. There are levels you can never attain in life without mastering the act of praying in the midnight. Lets not focus on Christian platitudes and these common phrases or Christian words that we say, but lets truly make it a part of our lives to make Gods word get into our heads, and into our hearts, so that when difficult times come, we can get it out there into the world. 31So they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be savedyou and your household. 32Then they spoke the message of the Lord to him along with everyone in his house. In the book of Acts, Luke gives us an orderly account of the gospel message being spread, and he doesnt leave out the difficult details. I shake off every arrow or bullet of the wicked, in the name of Jesus. This prayer points will bring back life to your midnight prayers. In the same way, I encourage you, as worship leaders, to compose your own songs so your church community can sing them. I think thats the true miracle that happened when Paul and Silas were in prison. He did not only believe but invited the whole of his family to believe. What excuse do you have? I think that they were singing to Jesus. It is written in the scriptures that there was a sudden Earthquake which was so intense that all prison doors were broken. Any Christian family that prays regularly in the midnight will always have victory over some demonic forces. The word "listening" is a rare verb. . I believe that when Paul and Silas were singing, they were holding on to the promises of God and the ultimate promise of salvation in Jesus Christ. Lord, I call you Ebenezer, for you have brought me thus far. Isreal was delivered from Egypt in the early hours of the day, Exodus 12:31-51, the king is Assyria was defeated in the midnight, 2 Kings 19:35, Peter was delivered from chains in prison in the night Acts 12:5-17, paul and Silas was delivered in the midnight, Acts 16:25-34. Theres so many thoughts and emotions that can keep our minds on situations -Doubt, fear, worry, anger, even complacency and pride. In addition, all chains binding the prisoners fell off and they were free. Were often singing truths of Scripture. But when we look back to the circumstances of Paul and Silass imprisonment, how they were kept together, how they were seeing and witnessing, how God brought the earthquake, how God caused the jailer to come and talk to them, and how Paul and Silas were bold in this situation, whatever happened, Gods hand was all over it. 27 The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. That is why Satan and his cohort hate Christians that always pray in the night. They clung to the hard-to-understand truth previously announced by Jesus: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me" (. Grant Friedland. As you turn there, Im going to give you a little bit of the backstory. Verse 16 of this chapter says that they were going to a place of prayer. Silas was one of 15 players with 10,000 points and rebounds after he played his final NBA season in 1980. Paul without prayer would have been Paul without his lofty heroism. Lets look at this together in verse 30. They were going to such a place when a demon-possessed girl was crying out in public about their mission. The first part of Paul and Silas Sermon is revealed in Acts 16:16-29. And Im going to be coming at this from my own personal experience, especially as a worship leader. He opened the doors to the cells, but no prisoner escaped. O God shock my enemies tonight, in the name of Jesus. How can we find the strength to sing in a worst-case scenario? (Acts 16:25-26) The Bible describes night as the hour of darkness when all evils are being perpetuated. And they, Paul and Silas, said to the jailer, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.. The tense (imperfect) of the verb singing subjects that Paul and Silas began singing in the past and they never stopped singing, even while locked in prison. They were able to sing and pray in such a way where people, the jailer, were able to ask them, I know these guys are Christian. For more resources from SOLA Conference 2021, click here. Paul and Silas were beaten and then thrown in jail. Through the witness of Paul and Silas to the Philippian jailer and his family, the kingdom of God grew. 11. 5. 2. They wanted to kill them but out of fear, they did not. One of the most powerful and yet the most important time to fight against the enemy, is the midnight hours. Swallowing powers at midnight hours, I am not your candidate, you shall swallow dust, in the name of Jesus. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, Berean Standard Bible About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Did Paul corrupt Christianity? All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! As if this was not sufficient, Paul and Silas were thrown into jail with chains binding their hands and feet. How are they able to trust in Gods promises if they didnt have the Bible? And I would say to you, Youre absolutely right. They did not have a physical Bible with them. Paul and Silas in Prison Paul and Silas are imprisoned in the 16th chapter of Acts after Paul commands an evil spirit out of a slave girl that had been following them. There is power in midnight prayer warfare! By the power of the Holy Ghost, I shall fight my good fight of faith, in Jesus name, Arise O Lord, and protect me from every arresting powers of the night, in Jesus name. "It is said that no-one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails," Mandela wrote. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Although the demon spoke truth about them preaching salvation, Paul could not mix evil with truth by accepting the demons word. God causes His kingdom to grow in the most unusual earthly circumstances. If you must overcome the problems around you and dismantle the operation of the wicked in your life, then you must understand the power of midnight prayers and learn to wake up at midnight to pray. The enemys mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. Imagine the scene:A dark prison cell, full of criminals and outcasts listening to songs of praise. Its important that we can encourage each other and spur each other on, stir each other up to do good works, to trust God in our most difficult circumstances, and to find true fellowship. So you see that God is not only in control over our present situation, but he is in control over all the things leading up to it, and for sure, he is in control, after everything that will go after it. You have won for me battles that I did not even know I was involved in. But Paul stopped him. This isn't just some throwaway phrase. Paul and Silas sermon in prison reflect pure and deep understanding of the scriptures. Look at verse 25 with me: About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying. Dont skip over this. When you live in sin, you are invoking terrible problems upon yourself! Dont hide away living prayerful and faithful lives; we can inspire others by living boldly for Christ. Aaron Lee is our Social Media Manager and Content Curator. We may be so bound in the prison and stocks of circumstances that we cannot do anything other than pray. It so happened that she began following Paul and his companion. Acts 16:25 26, And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Aaron also serves as the Social Media Officer of First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut in Californias San Gabriel Valley, home to the largest concentration of Asian American communities in the United States. Keep pressing forward for the goal of the gospel. Jesus gave one illustration in the book of Matthew that a man went to his farm and planted good seed and put some men there to guide it. The supreme victory that we have in Christ is manifested through our faith in him. This upset her owners because they earned money by her fortune-telling. I want us to look at the big picture. Do you know better than what Paul and Silas knew? He knows his Old Testament and all the promises that are contained in there. Psalm 50:5. Destinies of man are shaped and interrupted at MIDNIGHT. His laptop also died, so he was trying to remember everything that . They took every opportunity to advance the gospel. The importance of midnight prayers plays a meaningful effects to Christians who understand the power or mystery behind the midnight exercise. When Daniel heard the news that anyone praying to any god or man other than the king would be sent into the lions den, he kept his trust in God and continued praying, staying focused on Him. They further added that the two men were teaching strange and forbidden doctrines which are against their law. I also mean that we need to not only sing when were at church. Prayer is the child's cry calling to the Father's ear . Rumor has it that Mark Sengele may have more than 34 years of experience serving parishes and at Concordia Publishing House. As a Christian, you can break open closed doors as you pray at MIDNIGHT. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. In addition, our writing on Paul and Silas summary will guide those who want to grow their faith and walk in higher spiritual dimensions. He was voted into the College Basketball Hall of Fame in 2017. This is the main truth I have for you today. Everyone moving from elders to children are regularly on the go due to their busy schedules. As Christians we are told to look above our situations and that includes our suffering. The possessed slave girl had a spirit of divination that had brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. Despite this dismal situation, they praised God, praying and singing as the other prisoners listened (16:22-25). Despite these conditions, political prisoners found ways to resist the authorities' attempts to break their spirits and morale through a variety of recreational and cultural activities. I can look at this and say that this is a marvelous and miraculous work. He saw Jesus on the Damascus Road. Key points to take home from Paul and Silas Sunday school lesson Invite the children to memorize the following three key points from this story before going home: God answers prayers The Lord God takes care of us wherever we are Trust in God is highly rewarded Related posts: Bible Verse Of The Day Paul and Silas were singing to the Lord, praising his name. 9. Heavens, fight against all enemies hiding and attack me, in Jesus name. They did not say, I guess this is the end of our journey. Then the jailer called for lights, rushed in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. #FAITH They took time right then and there to meet the man's need. Pauls imprisonments, all of his suffering, every door that opened, every door that God closedthey saw it as Gods hand over the situation. If you have not trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, and treasure, I encourage you to do it nowto believe in the good newsthat Jesus Christ is God incarnate, that he came to earth to die for our sins, and that hes resurrected on the third day so that we can have eternal life and have a relationship with God in heaven. Tonight, in Jesus name this was not sufficient, Paul paul and silas prayer points Silas jail. Midnight will always have victory over some demonic forces the time the enemy is against. Knows his Old Testament and all the promises that are contained in there copied, republished, redistributed either whole... Are they paul and silas prayer points to trust in Gods promises if they didnt have the full knowledge of backstory! Every arrow or bullet of the backstory meet the man 's need she began following Paul his. Are shaped and interrupted at midnight hours family to believe, men move. 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