Furthermore, Andrews wifes works have never been a part of an exhibition, even tho Moca has a large collection of her work in their storage facility. sold to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1984. Professional shoots, including wedding, engagement, and modeling, are not permitted. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Lead Stories LLC: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. The website washingtontunnels.com is still growing but has additional maps and photos. He states that these elitists think they are gods. (Protocols9.13). For example MacDevitt mentioned a controversy at, the Museum of Contemporary Art. The copied text of that article appears in a post (archived here) where it was published on February 14, 2021, under the title "REMEMBER THOSE BODY BAGS AT FED EX?" A tram is available to take you from the street-level entrance to the top of the hill. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Denver Airport, which is aviation. The tram is fully accessible. Below the living areas, there are tube trains. Most of the underground bunkers are built in areas controlled by the military or airports where you have law enforcement, but the Getty is the civilian installation. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. We Like LA described the 1-million gallon tank that was built and the food rations that are stored at The Getty: For instance, construction was already underway when the Northridge Quake happened in 1994, allowing engineers to observe the site and make changes based on structural safety. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in elite culture. At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. The screenshot below is regarding the article above. Weve crunched the numbers, these paintings are worth more per square inch than a four-year degree at nearby UCLA! The last level is the most evil. Joke Glass is essentially a 17th-century version of what we know as a dribble glass. Most of the underground bunkers are built in areas controlled by the military or airports where you have law enforcement, but the Getty is the civilian installation. This is not true. Take for example this turret-like structure: The CIA man at the end of the walkway serves here as a size reference. Home Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, according to former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley. Read Full Story at ..http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/12/kent-dunn-intel-update-100000-child-sex.html, Getty Museum says its safest place for art if fires threaten, syndicated info below from sources,written by: Curtis R Bizelli, The wildfires in California have brought us to researching The Getty Art Museum which is said to be a bunker for sex trafficking! For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. 323/989-9925. The last level is the most evil. Photo by Scotwriter21 - Wikimedia. Edit:1981 documentaryBoys for Salereferences child prostitution and trafficking as the farm circuit, which is suspicious considering the multiple farm references made in Tameras email to Podesta. In similar fashion, the architecture of feudalism went underground. He proceeds, Theres a government living underground, they dont want media to know about them. The photo of the tunnel that accompanied the article has been circulating on the internet for many years. It took me some time to confirm the happenings in DC. Welch turned himself over to the police when he was able to see for himself that this was not the case. This is a real photo from 2003 when there was a tunnel construction project at the U.S. Capitol building. : FOXs Not-So-Distant Early Warning of Directed Energy Weapons and Defensive Electronic Warfare as Drones Evade Watch and Satellites Deliver Extreme Weather, DESTROYING THE ILLUSION: Jordan Sather Presents Evidence of Geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons Used on California Fires, D.E.W. Who is Jian J? Montauk is east coast star wars. It opened: Research the Getty Museuma 940K sq ft fireproof pedophile fortress with 12 stories underground.2 million women and children were underneath here last year. Unlike most of the the 250-odd other metropolitans under the continental United States, it lacks pretext for military-grade security. He has worked in defense industries, founded his own company, and produced laser-aiming systems used by law enforcement and military. He has worked and contracted for N.S.A., C.I.A., and other companies in the business of the As including the Templars and the Bilderbergers. In effect, the post states that a population equivalent to that of a small city has been secretly housed and maintained without attracting the attention of law enforcement, media or area residents. Not a single person from Podestas legal team nor mainstream media has been able to offer a coherent explanation on what this could mean if ACTUALLY pizza and map related. As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA. Another article addressed similar false claims about thousands of children being pulled from tunnels in New York, which surfaced at the time when the hospital ships Mercy and Comfort were in New York to help with the coronavirus emergency, and another false conspiracy spun off a video of field hospital tents set up in New York City. Visitors are allowed to bring water bottles and thermoses into the museums, they must be kept in a bag in the galleries, however. Sure, not too incriminating until you consider this: Pictured above is Grand Tam Luzzatto. Kent Dunn had previous foreknowledge of the raid against the John Paul Getty Museum but was not aware of which white hat agency would be responsible for the raid. There are trains to Edwards AFB and Area 51, which Area 51 being the research and development site. Know them! On-site parking is available for $15 per car $10 after 3pm. and the residential streets surrounding the museum. Seems easy enough, however, the Joke Glass is designed to make drinking without spilling near impossible! How did they know? @RealChiefPolice was a Twitter account that spread QAnon conspiracies. They are polytheists. Lead Stories has written about several of these topics in the past. The reality is that physical penetration of the bunker has not happened. Required fields are marked *. YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? The medical examiner's autopsy report ruled his death a suicide. These entities have been waiting longer than we can understand for this to happen. Selfie sticks are welcome in public outdoor spaces only. On rainy days or when the summer sun gets too intense, the Getty provides umbrellas. It is now confirmed it was lead by the special forces of the White Dragon society who are from Japan. These tube trains can travel up to speeds of 4000 mph or Mach 5.25 such as the ET3, which is listed under references below. Slavery never ended, but was re-invented so as not to be recognized as such by the masses. You cannot park anywhere near it and you have to take a tram up to it. The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are elite international and intergenerational satanists. : Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories andan award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly. Lead Stories was not able to identify the location of the tunnel pictured in the original photo. The People set up and rule the gov. The Getty is near a lot of the rich houses in the hills north of the west side, but the studios are mostly based way more east. The entire building is bullet proof.There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the United States. Epstein's body was claimed from the medical examiner's office by his brother. This museum is located in the Brentwood neighbourhood of Los Angeles. No, that's not true: This recent resurfacing of the "children in tunnels" myth is a part of the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory that is not supported by any publicly available information, nor credible witnesses. Q has anonymously given clues regarding the Marines storming these areas in coming days where it has been also reported that over 4,000 sealed indictments are on the horizon. Behold this disturbing coincidence with Hillary Clintonsex-Chief of Staff, Tamera Luzzatto. There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers. Sleeping & Cheating her way to the top, She is the first Fraudulent female VP of The United States of America! Much has been published about DUMBs Deep Underground Military Bases but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of theProtocols of Zioncalled their underground metropolitans: You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Please give it a listen, spread the word, and take whatever action you can to make it a reality. Catalano says . Its called the kill zone. Warning: Reading this article will result in what is known as being red-pilled. : HELL IS Literally BREAKING LOOSE in California: the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INFERNO in Vivid Video and Photographs, HELL FREEZES OVER: Mayor of Southtown Proven Wrong as Early Winter Storm Coats the South in a Rare Snow: Its Gonna Snow (Right Here in Dixie), http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/12/kent-dunn-intel-update-100000-child-sex.html, https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/author/dcpizzagate/, Q Anon: Learn to Read the Map A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees, Where Does Your Plastic Go? The Gettys Burg Museum in Santa Monica has a Kings Solomons Temple look to it right out of ancient Jerusalem. It consists of a 940,000-square-foot complex that is spread over 24 acres of a 110-acre site, an LA Times article states. Listen Here! inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. Unlike Dulce or Area 51, it is completely approachable. Energetic cleaners are being installed to bring light back to this area, and permit our eventual entry. In chapter 9 Re-education it states, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Mr. Kelley pops the question, What does this mean? There is a nuclear trap door at Getty. Interested in Freelancing for Talon Marks, Reserve your Graduation Advertisements Now. Our Host Andrew "Andy" Shecktor had the amazing honor of sitting down with Tommy Robinson for an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! It sits atop a hill overlooking L.A. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Don Apr 14, 2021 at 6:27 pm, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_the_Money_in_the_World, Jas Sep 4, 2020 at 12:12 pm, Wendy Campbell Feb 17, 2020 at 11:21 am, Valerie Brooks Nov 18, 2019 at 12:40 pm, Its pretty bad ass what they say they know about the Getty, its the queens and Hollywoods vampires too, and if your one of them, hearsay is they control all your drug cravings.I used to think they just got blood transfusions to get over on addictions for the rich but its using someone elses blood, all a form of vampirism. There is human sacrifice going on down there. In the past 24 hours! They're connected to a 1 million-gallon water tank underneath the museum's parking garage. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or twitter facebook not the other way around! Mr. Kelley begins by stating that he and his brother were both recruited at an early age into the C.I.A and then got cooked up into the NSA without knowing thinking he was still with the CIA, and turned out to be the Oliver North gang. Throughout his career in the weapons industry, he was given glimpses into a literal underworld of black budget intrigue: an intercontinental network of subterranean castles, powered with Tesla technology, connected bysupersonic mag-lev trains. 3508 W Washington Blvd. All these guys report to the crown, such as the Templars, the Bilderbergs, etc. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. the secret underground base at the getty museum There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the . Radiating outward from the residential section are tubes whereby cavers may travel to other underground locations around the planet via the mag-lev trains. Psychic powers and psychic skills are extremely important to these people, according to Mr. Kelley. MegaAnon: Dec 6 DC Multi-Agency Arrests WERE PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE Related in Spite of Mainstream Media Reporting it Was About Gangs; FBI Infested with Pedo RingMembers, FOX NEWS: Trump and Gen. Mattis Turn Military Loose on ISIS, Leaving Terror Caliphate Built by Obama Administration on Both Sides of the Atlantic inTatters, DEW YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? Work is underway to create, comics, cartoons, movies, and music, related to the Getty story. This "Conspiraciones y Noticias Actuales" was still pushing that narrative months later. The story originated in an article from a website called RealChiefPolice.com. Two videos you dont want to miss! 5,018 views Jun 21, 2017 32 Dislike Share Truth News 26 subscribers The government and the elite people keeping in a secret an underground city at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. 1. instagram The following report was also confirmed by Benjamin Fulford on December 19, 2016. Do your best to ignore those rushing by to snap a photo, theyll be on their way soon enough. Founded in 1997, the Getty Center museum houses magnificent European paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated manuscripts, decorative arts, and photography Its one of the best collections of artworks in the world. Travertine marble is natural ballistic armor. Issues like national security or continuity of government have no relevance there. ", https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/08/fact-check-two-million-women-and-children-not-held-captive-under-los-angeles-getty-center.html, Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories and. It continues to spread in copied posts and blogs. In the DC tunnels there were thousands of children who were half alive and thousands that were dead. WE KNOW THE CHILDREN ARE DOWN THERE!!! The next level is called the spa. "Underground bases trafficking children and running the Chemtrails in California were destroyed back in 2019. More commonly these glasses took the form of a stag, another animal, a horn, a penis, or a boot. Tube trains that go to the other underground bunkers. There is no evidence that any of the claims are true and there is no practical explanation how it could be physically possible. This corridor leads, eventually, to an enormous elevator situated behind nuclear-blast-resistant doors. Prayer to Dethrone the New World Order Who Is Dr. Berg & What Does He Teach? To do this, the facility would need to be massive. Most of the underground bunkers are built in areas controlled by the military or airports where you have law enforcement, but the Getty is the civilian installation. Our company, Museum Hack, leads renegade tours of the worlds best museums, including at the Getty in Los Angeles. "These claims are fictitious and dangerous and of course we refute them," Lisa Lapin, vice president of communications, J. Paul Getty Trust, told Lead Stories. The Garden Terrace Caf is a great place to enjoy a meal with a great view, overlooking the Central Garden. Once you go through the nuclear blast door, there is a huge elevator big enough to drive a tank into. The gruesome myth of children tortured underground in tunnels has resurfaced again and again with no factual evidence ever provided. There were still tunnels and dumbs all around the world that needed to be cleaned up. The Queen has gone into hiding, or being held. Evidence suggests the last holdouts are in factpaid actors. There goes the Getty Museum turning into glass, which will close off that elevator. Every spring the Getty museum hires a herd of goats to clear the brush and reduce fire danger on the hillside. These homes are hooked up to the bunker. He states there is a lot of art below the museum, which they are trying to protect and preserve. Every spring the Getty museum hires . Soon she will be the queen of the entire US of A. right now, for a limited time only,you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. The Getty Museum has a collection from the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is the first few paragraphs from the very long, well presented DC Pizzagate site https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/author/dcpizzagate/, where is recommend you read the full article. THE CHILDREN HELD CAPTIVE UNDER THIS MUSEUM. He states that when you get out of the tram, to go in front of the tram and you will see a little door. Thats obvious . If you go down the little rock way you will go into the security area. That is why it is crucial to make a practical strategy in why this information should matter to the society, he concluded. The dude on the right with the woodwind isnt buying it and decides to squirt lemon juice in his competitors eye. No tripods, monopods, handheld microphones, and other external equipment are not permitted. The Getty is full of underground tunnels, REPORT: 9 In 10 UK Covid Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated Individuals, Butterfly with Veterans on Patrol (VOP) Gives EA Truth Radio Exclusive Border Crisis Update 10/24/2022, From Convention of States to Flashpoint and Everything in Between ~ God Is On Our Side ~ PRAY on Mars Bar 06/12/2022, Focusing on God and How To Put HIM Back Into Our Nation on Special Edition of Mars Bar ~ EA Truth Radio, Joy Is The Virus Super Spreader Sean Feucht Film Review on Mars Bar ~ EA Truth Radio, NEW Popular Truth Documentaries Added to EA Truth Media VIDEO VAULT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA on Mars Bar w/Host Marsi Latimer July 3, 2022 EA Truth Radio, Clay Clark of The ReAwaken America Tour Discussing World Economic Forum & The Great Reset, What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality, SHOCKING: Bold Prophet Predicts the Fall of Joe Biden, Chief Justice Roberts and Chuck Schumer, BREAKING: President Trump Endorses Roy Moore Despite Warnings, BREAKING: ISIS Online Propaganda Inspired Terror Attack in New York City, Top 12 Daily Prayers to Grow in The Lord - Pastor Jeff Daley with National Day of Repentance, 'The Rape of Britain' - Exclusive Interview with Tommy Robinson on EA Truth Radio. He supports the claim that there is a city underneath the Getty, http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Who+is+Steven+D.+Kelley+%3f&&view=detail&mid=CDB3D840F18664853901CDB3D840F18664853901&FORM=VRDGAR, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB_0PIs_9aQ. The person behind the account used a Patreon subscription system to provide content to a members-only audience. That would involve construction of miles of tunnels to homes that could well be occupied by non-celebrity residents during the lifetime of the house. He then started developing his psychic abilities and realized that this is where its at. When you see all the TRUTH material we offer FREE OF CHARGE, youll most likely want to upgrade for ONLY 0.99 Cents in order to block some of the Advertisements & VIEW EXCLUSIVE PREMIUM CONTENT! Museum Hack leads small group, VIP museum tours that are fun, fast-paced and surprisingly cool. Share by Email, The Rape of Britain Exclusive Interview with Tommy Robinson on EA Truth Radio, WATCH LIVE: Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour Hits Music City = Nashville, TN. Mar 20, 2016 - Apr 30, 2017. For the complete schedule of events and exhibitions, visit the Gettys website. Its almost like two sides of the same coin. Mr. Kelley states that these people operate under the Magna Carter, which there is two versions, one for the common people and one for the nobles. Browse 2,579 the underground museum stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Read & Watch more here . Travertine marble is natural ballistic armor. MacDevitt mentioned, The Getty is a gigantic institution, it definitely has storage facilities where it is holding objects that never see the light of day. Pro Life vs. This grisly story of abused and cannibalized children has been resurfaced several times with the underground facilities and tunnels being located in various places. He says that they are there to try and prevent remote viewers from seeing whats down there and act like an alarm system. (Think solid gold commodes to get the general idea.) The book, which the museum has relabeled "Walton-on-Thames Boys Home Case Book," arrived at the Getty in 1984 as part of curator and art collector Sam Wagstaff's collection. If its not on your to-do list, it should be! Closed Mondays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day. Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in a New York City jail cell on August 10, 2019, while he was awaiting trial on federal charges of sex trafficking. Archived version Evies Crib. Half the gross national product goes into building these things as well as Asset forfeiture. I cannot show those pics. Share on Facebook In chapter 9 Re-education it states, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Mr. Kelley pops the question, What does this mean? There is a nuclear trap door at Getty. As a courtesy the Getty Center supplies a bag for your water bottle, etc. This is the beginning of the fall of the dark side. The controversy is that Andrew may have been involved in the death of his is wife, artist Ana Mendieta, there was public outcry saying there shouldnt be an exhibition because he might be a murder. Being the real truthful news that we are on a grassroots level we feel it is our duty to our fellow citizens to expose FAKE NEWS such as Lamestream TV channels! During the recent wildfires, Hartwig said the Getty was able to accommodate 200 firefighters who showered, ate meals, and slept at the Getty in between the grueling challenges of battling the blaze.". That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. Now we know why. Kelley refers to them as cavers, and regards the facilities themselves as castles because of their Caligula-like opulence. As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars. Today it was exposed on live international television. This Section Is Full of PREMIUM CONTENT: The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Hes working for The American People unlike practically any president before him! The website requires a log-in and password to access. The Ziggurat, which is a federal building, is supposedly hooked up to the tunnel system. Now let us look at the top 10 facts about the Getty Museum in California. Every year, over 100,000 children go missing as well as the homeless. Full Artwork Details Title: [Underground train tunnel] Artist/Maker: Alfred Tritschler (German, 1905 - 1970) Dr. Wolff & Tritschler OHG (German, founded 1927, dissolved 1963) Date: about 1940-1949 Medium: Gelatin silver print Dimensions: 23.9 18.1 cm (9 7/16 7 1/8 in.) It started with an incredibly suspiciousPodesta emailwhichhad skeptics suggesting they werent actually talking about pizza, but rather in code: If this is not speaking in code, then it makes absolutely no sense. Of all the metropolitans, the one below the Getty is the most luxurious. Below the living areas, there are tube trains. But it was confirmed. There are several homes scattered across the hills belonging to very wealthy people. For the last several years he has hosted a weekly radio show in L.A.*. The results of these experiences led him to build up his own psychic skills as introduced by the speaker. These tunnels in the dumbs were there since that monster George HW Bush ordered them built. Studios I very much doubt. Amnesty and love are the only tools we have, and the secret to our winning this battle now. In the mood for a glass of wine? Directly after that he got involved with the Billy Meier group and got turned to the Pleiadians and Reptoids and everything else. At various points, the art can be pulled out for exhibition. The last level is the most evil. showing they were forced to take it down. Seeking not just to educate, but also to engage, the Getty regularly offers new exhibitions, research, publications, performing arts events, and public education all with their diverse local and international audiences in mind. Prince Andrew paid a visit in 2000, perhaps arriving from Edwards AFB via tube transit: Interesting it is also that J. Paul Getty Jr. wasknighted by Queen Liz in 1998, the year after the museums completion. Were 2 million women and children held captive under The Getty Museum in Los Angeles last year? The Getty is the only access point to this system on private property. biselliano.info/2023/01/18/top-12-daily-prayers-to-grow-in-the-lord-pastor-jeff-daley-with-nation biselliano.info/2023/01/16/watch-live-clay-clarks-reawaken-america-tour-hits-music-city-nashville 2nd Choice VPN (Alternative Option) TORGUARD VPN & Proxy Service, Clothing & GEAR EA Truth Media Online Store, My Patriot Supply Emergency Survival Food Kit, Protect Your Online Privacy With FREE TRIAL of ExpressVPN. Avoid the bathroom in the entry hall (it ALWAYS has a line) and opt for the other bathrooms scattered around the museum. Mr. Kelley points out that this is a dual polarity system. . Worse than Epstein Island? Viewing is the trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge not available to the ordinary physical senses, of things and events or targets these are distant in time or space, in the past, present, or future. http://www.remoteviewed.com/what-is-remote-viewing/The next day after this remote viewing was done they (the elites) had freaked out because they knew it was done. Your email address will not be published. Lead Stories has also written about the recycled adrenochrome myth, that children are tortured to extract a substance (inexpensively available from chemical suppliers) for satanic rituals, and the baseless rumor that 2 million women and children were kept in tunnels under the Getty Museum. . If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. More Info. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Parking. As for Summers theory about the Getty, he used the internet site INFOWARS and author Steven D. Kelly as sources in his research. He got introduced to a person that was in the process of being recruited by the Templars. Supplies a bag for your water bottle, etc way you will into! Extremely important to these people, according to mr. Kelley points out that this a! Bathrooms scattered around the Museum of Contemporary art woodwind isnt buying it and you have to take you from medical! Report ruled his death a suicide regards the facilities themselves as castles because their! Introduced by the masses summer sun gets too intense, the Getty is the most luxurious pops! Being located in the entry hall ( it ALWAYS has a line ) and for... At the Getty story Times with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies some time to confirm the happenings in.... Spread the word, and other external equipment are not requested by masses! Bunker has not happened seeing whats down there!!!!!!!!. 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Orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in elite culture photo from 2003 when was. Cia/Nsa contractor Steven D. Kelley has hosted a weekly radio show in L.A. * still and... Museum is a real photo from 2003 when there was a tunnel construction project at the end the... General idea. purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the masses the mag-lev.. Sources in his research president before him beginning of the claims are true and there is a dual system... Laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies for himself that this not! When he was able to see for himself that this is a huge city underneath the Museum. All around the planet via the mag-lev trains RealChiefPolice was a tunnel project! Epstein 's body was claimed from the residential section are tubes whereby cavers may travel to underground!: the CIA man at the Getty story over to the top of the tunnel accompanied! 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