240 Tertullian,c. The US gov attempted to block disclosure of this information by using the Patriot Act. Oh wait it already happened at Waco (watch rules of engagement, the true story of Waco!) Keep an eye out for these seven signs that you may have a dying tree so you can take care of it before it does damage to your property. 7, How many eating some common puffed breakfast cereals and water? My insight to this disease comes from almost dying due to the neurological problems caused by MD. Aluminum measured at 6400x above the toxic limit, along with Manganese at 5820x, Iron at 28000x, Barium at 278x, etc. and the current and past wars. Even my dogs. I believe the pope of Rome is Antichrist (Daniel 7:7-27,2Thessalonians 2:1-12,2Peter 2:1-22,1John 2:18-25, Revelation 13:1-9) and Rome 'Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth' (Revelation 17:1-18).I urge every true Christian to come out of her. -. Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. Why.Bless, G.I. I looked from the glass side through to the tape with a cheap $10 60x-100x microscope from radio shack, (good for looking at your skin too) and there they were, confirming thats one provable source for these fibers to have come. It's not what naturally would be here at all, fire should rage through every 3-4 years and keep down all the red cedar oak and hickory, favoring native fire-resistant pine. They do not dissipate rapidly, they can be Aside from the creating of droughts and floods, the aerosols have been blocking the sun. enhance and carry their signals. The fact is that high altitudes the humidity remains semi constant at a very low relative humidity. If this continues, we will follow. Why the voltage thing is so important: Ive observed in my jars that were electrolyzed that the growth of what Ive learned are called synthetic model organisms (or artificial life forms) is greatly enhanced and increased. There also may be even more nefarious reasons. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. If so youre in trouble as we all are. +20,000. A week ago we were sprayed by the geoengineers into such a toxic cloud, my fianc received a chemical burn on his bare skin just mowing the lawn. No those arent clouds theyre chemicals (type in strange days strange skys, or see my photos). There are a lot of theories as to why they are spraying these aerosols. Many more photographs on file. Think of the dispersion/evaporation rates of something released over 6 miles up in the air. They could turn them on full blast and by the time you realized driving through the field that something was wrong youd be dying shortly, like within minutes of brain cooking !! Its speculated that since my electrical bio field is so strong that possibly when I was in the water these nano things were drawn to me like a magnet. Since I have lived here we have a large willow tree about 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Highly unusual that early, rarely seen three accidents in a month. Leftist fear mongering tactics, they want everyone to worry themselves to death. I spent the entire month of May studying this bizarre growth, the fibers and doing other tests. Geoengineering And The Dying Of The Trees Labels: chemtrails, geoengineering, trees. there are literally millions of credible sources available. To understand what our future holds and for other ideas on this its highly recommended that all the morgellons interviews on rense.com are listened to backwards (14-7 will give the best overview). This particular towns water supply is drawn from the lake, which can only mean they are getting a double dose, not just their air but their water too. All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click DORway for further info. Deception isnt hard to detect if you know what youre looking for. Gases could not striate like this, and what goes up, well you know, Newton was right. Make no mistake, the elites probably have the cure. The highly reliable Wikipedia defines Chemtrails as long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Because if I have to read one more stupid post from some gullible mouthbreather believing in chemtrails, Im going to punch a puppy. How many state government have responded with testing to thousands of requests from concerned citizens about chemtrails? dioxide and make oxygen. taken in August 2015. Petri,1764 John Wesley,1758 John Gill,1754 Thomas Newton,1745 John Willison,1740 Johann Al. But why do I see so many contrails over major cities? Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen. all life on earth dies. About four months later I asked if hed found out anything, and this was the story she recounted. More effective than say, just putting it in the water? We have lived, breathed and drank plastic residues now for so long, its become part of our bodys composition. Emissions include carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons such as methane, sulfates (SOx), and soot and metal particles. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. 1412 John Huss,c. The tree is in serious trouble if the newest leaves at the tips of tree branches are dropping. Furthermore, drenching the population with toxic metals has the added benefit of making millions of people sick, which is the way pharmaceutical corporations grew to be the second largest industry in the world, second only to oil. In 1950 what rating was given to our education system? go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens. Its imperative that you reproduce any of these observations, should you care or dare to see how bad the air really is, but few if any seem to give a shit about anything anymore, another neurological observation of real real concern. When scratching it, it bled easily and seems somewhat similar to the description given by Cliff Mickelson. 320 Lactantius,c. Without a solution in thecoming decades, our forests may all be at risk of dying. is real science and not even close to the same as the conspiracy behind chemtrails. The fibers they call Morgellons increase in about 6 mo. Contrails happen all over the country, even over the oceans. But in the spring, I started to notice problems and now it is not doing well at all (dying and curled, brown/black leaves). Spoofer sprays. Few seem to notice the die-off until it is pointed out to them, but once recognized, what can be seen is alarming. I have discovered more verifiable completed nano tech things in spider webs than anywhere else. Geoengineering programs are destroying the planet's life support systems, trees are dying around the globe. Nine months later more glue stick stranding has been seen. Im contemplating soil sample analysis due to an inordinate number of trees dying on my property. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that the effluent contained both aluminum and barium. If you listened to the Rense audios, youll understand the psychological degradations associated with this infection, and the heavy metal intoxication / poisoning will make it much worse. Chaff looks like snow but it's actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. Health Effects. Chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. If that were really a thing, then whoever is behind it is wasting a lot of chemical. Tonight I was Googling for an explanation. He immediately recognized some of the aircraft in the photos as C-130 cargo planes. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells. Its the beginning of the monsoon season here and Im quite certain judging now at how often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground like sunlight through a window in a smoke filled room, that living here is much worse than in Phoenix in that all the pollution from below rises up here to form rain clouds. They're formed as nanoparticles easily breathed in by mammals and absorbed by plant life . 165 Justin Martyr,c. A time that is usually spent with family and friends, feasting . The owner told me that was her brother and if anyone could find out, he could as he was retired military intelligence. Theyll set a coffee cup down and forget its whereabouts 10 sec later, theyll work on stuff for the field and leave the office without it. How close to the road are most of our microwave antennae and why are they in our high school yard ?? Ive not just photographed the spraying but the morphing of this substance into clouds of a fibrous nature and other bizarre cloud formations not found in early/ANY cloud textbooks. You wouldnt !!! One Man Tricked The Chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd! (6500 ft elev.) Near bottom of the industrial nations. Contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. Just last year, EPA cited major studies which found that even moderate air pollution can trigger sudden death by changing heart rhythm in people with existing cardiac problems. Ive read reports that at full power these transmitters can cook all life within 1/4 mile. I panicked a little but drove to work anyway kind of stunned. Asswipe. The diverse nature of the organisms observed may be a function of the silentsuperbug.com but Morgellons fibers are in my opinion different things. It was said these fibers could grow on their own and created a myriad of symptoms from skin lesions to brain fog and memory loss.rense.com has interviews with Morgellons patients and some doctors who are treating them). They are dangerous to our health and environment. FYI 'Adya Clarity' 3 to 5 tbsp in a bath pulls toxins and heavy metals out through one's skin. I proved this in myself with only a pretty good digital volt meter. How many pigs (one of the most acute smell sensory animals) would eat GM corn when given a choice? This system can control the weather or create disasters. The picture above is of the apple tree in our back yard. Raking and destroying diseased leaves can help minimize the harm. It really blows my mind how unreasonably stupid people can be. I had a friend recently diagnosed with what was described as a rare form of blood cancer. The first 8 photos are of Chemtrails taken at Lonsdale, South Australia. In 1991, Hughes Aircraft Company obtained patent US5003186, a method for seeding the greenhouse gas layer with tiny particles which include oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide. The patent states that one proposed solution to global warming was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.. The 1996 Air Force document titled Weather as a Force Multiplier, declares, In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. My first reaction was to flee the area, but that was economically impossible, and decided to continue studying the problem. It is spread by a tiny aphid-like bug called the Asian citrus psyllid. In drought-like conditions, some trees will shed leaves to combat drought stress. Ive been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. But its still inside too. Support Veteran Journalism . Perhaps independent studies void of governmental duress, threats, manipulations, would show this with soil, water, and ring samples. How this is possible I dont know but its neither a delusion nor illusion as I still have and observe them frequently. Skin photos: He seemed concerned and vowed to investigate, then left. By afternoon, every chem trail was expanded and touching each other - looking like clouds.I thot i stared a lot. The article stated a 200 meter (approx. No one wants to be seen so far out. They have been found in almost all exterior webs but not inside as of late (5 outside 2 inside) probably because the outside webs are years older than inside ones. I discovered quite by accident that a cheap hot melt glue stick gun, is good for sealing microscope slides as it preserves the specimen and is like a lint brush for Morgellons fibers. Measuring almost a quarter mile in length, the twisting, winding mound built in the form of a massive snake swallowing an egg, is believed . By killing all plant life, Trees are absolutely vital to human and animal life; they provide shelter, shade, clean air, and also keep soil from eroding. The only thing I can think of ubiquitous enough to do a widespread kill, would seem to be Geo-engineering. hearsay. The bag was comprised of hundreds of fibers that looked a little different than the ribbon-like morgellons fibers though many of those were present. In January CBS News reported on bizarre geo-engineering experiments proposed for global warming reduction. Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the huge boreal forest that spans from Scandinavia to northern Canada. Two metals are consistently discovered worldwide in chemtrail analyses: barium and aluminum. A few days later I got what I was sure was poison ivy on my calves, though I had seen none where I was fishing, it lasted however for about a month, when usually it goes away in a week. I bet it would. Knights of Malta SMOM Rockefellers are helping the Why don't these Liberal dumbass u.s. corporation s Did somebody say healthcare ? Have you ever wondered what thats all about? He said indeed the spraying was quite toxic and he had been present at a confrontation by I believe the Navaho nation and the EPA The EPA contended everything was ok until the Navahos presented their evidence to the contrary which was quite compelling. Youll notice that jet routes crisscross over every major city, because thats where the navigation equipment lives (although GPS is modifying that slightly). If you have received this, Im sorry and may God bless you. The principles of this grotesque aerosol project are spelled out in a number of U.S. patents. As you may have noticed, cons are extremely visible. This chemtrail type may also contain aluminum, although its "pasty" consistency may indicate that something else is present as well. Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba Drift Damages Crops Across America. Look it up. They??? The IRS is not a U.S. Agency It is IMF property. This thing assembled itself quite quickly in about two weeks from about the size of a pin head to its current size about 1 1/4 in long. To my amazement the chlorella washed violently over the miracle grow then stopped. Play with this stuff, (wear gloves youll feel better) find something it reacts to, sulfur, garlic, baking soda, glue, static electricity, kerosene, ammonia, chaparral extract, etc. The Temporal Power of the Pope is obvious, Cardinal Egan sitting before his two puppet Candidates. your ignorance and asshole treatment of people trying to stop the insanity. During all this I decided to try and detox from these metals and did the ionic foot detox bath which was quite the experience. Lana Del Rey Chemtrails Over The Country Club Lace Front Wig | Lana Del Rey Wig | Blonde Highlight Lace Wig | Drag Queen Wig | Best Seller Price: $180.44 Original Price: $200.49 However, we might have a hard time proving that people are actually "dying from chemtrails." Although plant and tree life and certain types of insects indeed seem to be declining, people all over the United States and other countries are going about their business without even noticing chemtrails overhead. I showed him my entire collection of weekly tests and told him of the morgellons fibers Id found in the water. This confirmation was quite the shock cause I knew then all of us in the White Mountains at least were all being infected with this bizarre nano affliction, infestation, infection. 9/19/2012 - When the denial of chemtrails is resolved, concerns of their content and their effects are raised. This indicates the abnormal presence of barium salts. We get an Its been like a splinter in my mind . Just because these heinous acts are/were committed against others doesnt obviate your concern and/or intervention. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. Australian birds falling from the sky. Since 2010, the bark beetle alone has been attributed to the deaths of well over 100 million California trees. Since they were such a pain, I figure most folks haven't missed them yet--if this situation is not just a local (East TN) thing. Remember when I mentioned going cross country? Perhaps independent studies void of governmental duress, threats, manipulations, would show this with soil, water, and ring samples. The Argument: Proponents of the chemtrail theory are often dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but could there be some truth to their theories? They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. Its now my belief that Morgellons is what Alzheimers patients have and can likely be proven with post mortem brain slices perhaps from dogs, and the miracle grow stuff in our air is slowly but continually being electrolyzed in our brains and bodies perhaps in specific or targeted areas. He did the ostrich thing like everyone (another observed neurological symptom), if you dont recognize a problem, it must not exist. An opinion piece like this is used to direct a gullible audiences own opinion in order to help garner future support for the writer or media outlet. 1-400,000. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. No way man, to many ungulates are doing it. This has been witnessed by many people in many areas." "Poisons have been and are used widely, as pesticides. All photographs are from the exact same GPS location. While chemtrails are mostly done using secret pods on large aircraft, I have been spraying chemtrails in fighters for over ten years now. Hell I still cant believe most of this. NY: DAILY CHEMTRAILS Feb and March 2015 photographed and shared all over; PEOPLE WANT THIS TO STOP! Remy Van Lierde: The Belgian WWII Ace Who Encountered a 50 Feet Long Snake? . (My instincts believe these are most likely neuron replacements / implants for our brains, type in nanobots and neuron interface into you tube, theyve been considered if not constructed). I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. Your time would be better spent digging a bunker for when the nukes start flying. In the Hornet, opening the fuel dumps streams unused jet fuel out of the twin tails to reduce gross weight for landing. Use a microscope slide and ultra clear packing tape to seal the web to your slide. He is going to put to ruin those ruining the earth, agenda 21 and those elite lies with their environmentalism are ruining the earth.. China sticks stuff in their air - for snow.http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Beijing-gets-first-snow-after-meteorologists-seed-clouds/articleshow/5186405.cms, google the Senate Weather Modification Actyoutube.com/goldieshome, I did some reading to night, it is a environment of Canada document, they are also putting sulfur mix in the chemtrails, arisol spray they say, this would cause huge swaths of acid rain, so many trees are dying up here as well whole forests and orchards, control the weather, and food crops = you can control the people. The Aspens also are being attacked by bugs, mites, and they have a disease or two, can't think of the names off hand, That crap from the chemtrails is every where. When most of them die in WWIII they will think it is the other ones faults. There was huge amounts of ALUMINUM found in the bark. Geometric crystal growths, snowflake designs, Morgellons fiber growth, mold looking fibril growth with sporulations. I kid. They are trying to keep these covert operations secret . The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. 600 ft) range around the base transmitters to be the most detrimental to any life form. I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. Problems cannot be solved unless one knows they exist. Only 5% of Americans believe in chemtrails, but plenty more share a similar, deep-seated dread about the planet's future. The cold of winter has already descended to many areas on earth. We also have more holes in the ozone layer caused by HAARP ionizing the upper atmosphere. There are many causes for declining pine tree health. I mentioned this observation to a co-worker and he told me his wife, an accountant for years, said she all of a sudden was having trouble with normal math during that same period and said he too had forgotten things more than usual. always after a couple of days of rain that they worsen and the leaves look as if they've been burnt. Not much out there on net, almost nothing to be exact. Ive been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. Bugs, diseases and molds take hold of the trees only AFTER the trees have already been Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Sign Into Brighteon.Social. (Except the Viper. the rain or from the rain falling onto the leaves, I cannot say. THIS IS MORE SERIOUS THAN MOST OF YOU THINK. Spray and Zap. I offer this work with extreme urgency believing time maybe short. Too little or too much water. The amount of chemical that would be required to affect just a few square miles exceeds the capacities of most aircraft. I set up another testing station 300 miles away which yielded the same results. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga. In Florida, once pines are stressed . When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. It has to be extremely cold (-40 C), so the altitude that cons happen can change from day to day based on weather patterns. Soon due to financial collapse, and many U.N Treat Samuel F.B. CHEMTRAILS AND MORGELLONS ITS WORSE THAN YOU THOUGHT. No, their bark is turning white from the ground up as if they are pulling something up from the soil. These examples are what Orwell coined as doublethink, the ability to hold two contrary notions in ones head and believe them both. Ive always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand. One morning I woke up and couldnt remember the day, what time I was to go to work, etc. One of my neighbours saw them. 376 Cyril of Alexandria,c.? Of all places where you think trees would be flourishing, with so much water surrounding them, it was odd to see so many dying trees in and around the water.You must remember too, this is the Gold Coasts main water supply. Contrails of normal jet exhaust , simply water vapor and carbon dioxide, dissipate very rapidly a short ways behind the plane. Feet long Snake far out fuel dumps streams unused jet fuel out of the dispersion/evaporation rates of released! Flee the area, but could there be some truth to their theories affect! In about 6 mo forests may all be at risk of dying picture above is of the but! They want everyone to worry themselves to death what youre looking for ( one of the twin tails reduce! 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