RIFLE SHOWN TO MARINA OSWALD There was also the matter of the radio warnings. BODY MOVED FROM PARKLAND TO AIR FORCE ONE 2:20 P.M. . You better go to work.by the time I got to the First National Bank building where we parkedand just as I parked my carit came over my car that the president was dead. Warfield, the commander at Lumbari that night, later claimed that Kennedy wasnt a particularly good boat commander. Lieutenant Commander Jack Gibson, Warfields successor, was even tougher. The casket did arrive from the ONeal Mortuary, Inc., in their own hearse, which we then wheeled into the emergency room. TO PERPETUATE THE FRIENDSHIPS WE CHERISH; TO KEEP ALIVE THE SPIRIT THAT NEVER KNEW DEFEAT; TO GLORIFY OUR DEAD, AND TO FURTHER KEEP BEFORE OUR COUNTRY, THE RECORD OF THE 29TH DIVISION IN ALL THE WARS; WE ASSOCIATE OURSELVES IN AN ORGANIZATION KNOWN AS THE 29TH DIVISION ASSOCIATION, THE STONEWALL BRIGADE MUSEUM (116th Infantry Regiment). And with the help of Detective Combestwe picked him up and carried him back inside the jail, and I gave my keys to Combest, and he took the handcuffs off of him. So when they left, well, I did too. The cops are beating him up because he killed the president. So, they were demanding of Will Fritz and the other detectives and Chief Curry that they produce Oswald. Jacqueline Kennedy in the presidents car and Vice President Lyndon Johnson two cars behind react. And Im just walking right on by him, getting away from him.My eyes are on the car. I remember attempting to turn my head to make sure that Mrs. Johnson had bent down. NPS/Matt Teuten. He will tell you whether you can remove this body or not. I said: It doesnt make any difference. Our next move is to get Mrs. Kennedy off from the seat, which was a little difficult, but she was removed. Kennedy concluded that he now had to ask Congress for a major civil rights bill that would offer a comprehensive response to the problem. I held the gun by the strap, and Captain Fritz got a hold of that bolt and pulled it back and opened it, and a live round fell out. Lyndon Johnson had opposed herappointment to the federal bench as a federal district court judge. The D-Day landings turned the tide of World War II and marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. Life turned down Herseys literary experimentprobably because of its length and novelistic touchesbut the New Yorker published the story in June. But I know there were two bangs very close together, and I thought they were firecrackers because his arms were going into the air, and it was way off to my left and above. The most famous collision in U.S. Navy history occurred at about 2:30 a.m. on August 2, 1943, a hot, moonless night in the Pacific. It was the PT-109. I have worked [the slaying of] two other officers, and they had said, Well, I didnt shoot the cop, or I didnt shoot the policeman. But Oswald didnt say that. Then the officers gathered around there had piled on him and pushed him to the ground. Pulling strings, Joe persuaded the magazine to let Readers Digest publish a condensation, which the tony New Yorker never did. Agent Kellerman: I was requested by Mr. ODonnell, one of the presidential assistants, to obtain a casket, because they wanted to return to Washington immediately. . After checking the people in the balconythere were only three or four people there, about that time a uniformed officer came up from the other side, and I advised him to take the names of the people in the balcony and I went back downstairs to go into the theater to help check the people on the ground floor. King asked if an appeal to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower might help enlist Republican backing generally, and the support of House Minority Leader Charlie Halleck in particular. After we got the pictures taken, I reached down and picked the rifle up. Marilyn Sitzman arrives to find her boss, Abraham Zapruder, already there; Ernest Brandt recalls the crowds anticipation. Of course, they didnt realize yet, I guess, where the shot came from.I didnt even remember how I got down from that abutment but there I was, and I was walking back toward my office and screaming: They killed him! She had been living in Fort Worth when he had defected to the Soviet Union, and so reporters from the Star-Telegram had actually gone out and interviewed her, and perhaps the paper was her only contact. My plan was to get a shot there and then back up the ramp on my side of the car. I was pushed down by Agent Youngblood. [Gov. Ironically the Japanese destroyer didnt even realize that they had struck an enemy vessel and kept motoring forward soon out of earshot. And apparentlywhen I said that to him was the first solid information that he had that he was the de facto president. Lieutenant Hank Brantingham, a PT veteran who had served with Bulkeley in the famous MacArthur rescue, led the four boats in Kennedys group. Also while at Fort Polk the division's missile unit became the first Army National Guard unit to fire the Honest John nuclear-tipped surface-to-surface missile. I removed [my coat] and covered the presidents head and upper chest. We were kind of ashamed of our performance, Barney Ross, the 13th man aboard, said later. MARGUERITE OSWALD COMES TO THE POLICE STATION But he was genuinely impressed and moved by Kings speech. I knew nothing of his Dallas address. MOTORCADE INTO DOWNTOWN DALLAS 11:45 A.M.12:29 P.M. ENCOUNTERS WITH JACK RUBY AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS Motorcade recollections from the governors wife, Nellie Connally, in the presidential limousine; Agent Hill, directly behind the presidential limousine; and TV cameraman Couch and newspaper photographer Bob Jackson in a press pool convertible eight cars behind. He was almost across Patton Street.walking up 10th, away from me. I was just answering the phones on the city desk when we got this call, and this woman said, Is there somebody there who can give me a ride to Dallas? And I said, Well, you know, lady, this is not the taxi, and the presidents been shot. She said, Well, I heard it on the radio, and they say my son is the one who shot him. And it was Lee Harvey Oswalds mother. And I can remember hearing the crowds before seeing the cars or the motorcycle escorts. When he saw me he looked at me, stared at me. Despite heavy losses, the 116th penetrated the enemy defenses and established a tenuous beachhead by nightfall. Would you carry us to WFAA? We jumped in this strangers car and went to WFAA. By that time, we [Star-Telegram] had 17 reporters on the scene. Agent in Charge Kellerman opened the door of the presidents car and stepped out on the street. And my boss has it on film! And thats when they got interested in me, when I said that. Reflecting on his battle experiences Kennedy did ballistics tests on heavy armor plating he had mounted along with his gun positions to ensure his crews survivability. And then he sort ofput his hand to his forehead and fell in my lap. Eddie Barker: It was going to be quite an affair. Or two seconds, something like that. "NAURO ISLCOMMANDERNATIVE KNOWS POS'ITHE CAN PILOT11 ALIVENEED SMALL BOATKENNEDY". You could hear the cheers, the crowd, the noiseI felt an excitement, you know, because the president was getting close. In 1940, the U.S. Armys Officer Candidate School had rejected him as 4-F, citing ulcers, asthma, and venereal disease. As John F. Kennedy said, "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." I. This was the initial impression. Over the next few days, Kennedy put up a brave front, talking confidently of their rescue. On November 16, 1944, the 29th Division joined in one of the largest U.S. Army offensives of the war to date as a component of the Ninth Army. The natives were trusting towards Americans after witnessing poor treatment at the hands of the Japanese. The man stopped. The PT-109 disaster made JFK a hero. And I remember I did hit him with an open hand, and this ring could havemade the scrape marks on his right templeforehead. (When King asked if the president had heard Walter Reuthers excellent speech, which had indirectly chided Kennedy for doing more to defend freedom in Berlin than Birmingham, Kennedy replied, Oh, Ive heard him plenty of times.) Almost euphoric over the size of the turnout and the well-behaved, dignified demeanor of the marchers, Roy Wilkins, A. Philip Randolph and Reuther expressed confidence that the House would pass a far-reaching bill that would put unprecedented pressure on the Senate to act. I had always thought it was a disaster, but [Hersey] made it sound pretty heroic, like Dunkirk.. MORNING IN FORT WORTH They liked even more the ice cream and treats that the lieutenant bought them at the PX. He told his father not to worry. Kennedy concluded the hour-and-10-minute meeting by promising nothing more than reports on likely votes in the House and the Senate. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox let the certificate confirming the medal sit on his desk for several months. And I was just so nervous, they took me offwith the children, and Julie Benell fixed both of the boys a ham sandwich and tried to calm me down with coffee, and I didnt drink coffee. And then I just remember falling on him and saying, Oh, no, no, no! I mean: Oh, my God! Not long after their rendezvous, Kennedys feeling of elation must have been immense as he watched thePT-157rumble over to greet him. What I really want to know, he wrote, is where the hell were you when the destroyer hove into sight, and exactly what were your moves?. The situation, de facto, he was the president. Theyre headed for the airport. But Captain Fritz and his men spread them out, and I walked on through holding the gun over my head so nobody would touch it. McMahon, the machinists mate, was in the engine room. Visually you could tell it was what we called a wartime finish. I didnt think nothing about it; you know, the police are nice and friendly. I can remember seeing the car turn right onto Houston Street off of Main, going the one short block and turning left on Elm. I know all about photography, I worked with photography for a long time. He presented it against the backdrop of the murder of Medgar Evers, a leading black activist in Mississippi and veteran of the D-Day invasion, who was assassinated a day after the presidents June 11 speech by a rifle shot in the back at the door to his house in front of his wife and children. Kennedy had come back into the room, and most of the people were beginning to leave because they felt like this was such a grief-stricken and private affair that they should not be there.I was still there as the rites were performed, and a prayer was said. Back in the States, Kennedy appeared to have lost the edge that drove him on PT-59. I thought somebody behind me was doing the firing, and because I thought that, well, I fell down, I hit the ground. Joe Kennedy, who hoped to secure his son a Medal of Honor, loved the idea. Getting young Jack into the navy took similar finagling. 29th Infantry Division World War II Roster of the Battle Dead This Website is a gift from Adam J. Damascus, HQ1-115th Infantry Regiment. Just as all of this is going through my mind, the car passed directly in front of us. The 29th Divisions remarkable record in World War II forged the high standards maintained by all post-war 29ers. The Tokyo Express was headed to a Japanese base at the southern tip of Kolombangara. Then, in just a couple of seconds more, there was a second shot, then everybodyseemed to realize something was wrong then because Kennedy had by then already fallen over on Jackies shoulder. And he said, Hell, he said, dont ask me. Struggling to regain its balance from the staggering, violent blows inflicted in Dallas, a numb and somber nation collectively searches for solace and comfort in the poignant pageantry of a state funeral. Now, Ruby steps out from behind this officerhe steps out, he makes one long step.and coming down with that pistol. OSWALD MEETS THE PRESS 12 MIDNIGHT Throwing firecrackers at the presidents car. I couldnt hardly remember what my name was. Malcolm Kilduff: Before 1 oclock, I went to [Kennedy aide] Kenneth ODonnell, and I said, Kenny, were going to have to announce the presidents death. And I just remember seeing that. He had no choice but to order a naval blockade and stand firm, Americas cold war enemy was placing missiles in Americas backyard. What was conceived as a comparatively easy operation, however, turned out to be one of the 29ths most costly operations of World War II. And he says: Just a moment. This article was written by Robert Dallek and originally published in the August 2003 issue of American History Magazine. I think it was Sergeant Hill who was talking to the dispatcher and we gave him the names.The dispatcher advised us then that we were to bring this suspect directly to Captain Fritzs office, that he was a prime suspect in the assassination of President Kennedy and the wounding of Gov. Five minutes before Kennedy went on television, Sorensen gave him a final draft, which Kennedy spent about three minutes reviewing. Now, Im saying: Im the luckiest guy in the world. In the report, White and his coauthor described the collision matter-of-factly and devoted almost all the narrative to Kennedys efforts to find help. Once agents realize the president has been wounded, the limousine speeds off for Parkland Memorial Hospital at the orders of Secret Service Special Agent in Charge Roy Kellerman. Sadly two of his sailors were killed upon impact with the destroyer. I showed him a picture of him holding a rifle and wearing the pistolhe said: [Someone has taken my picture and that is my face and put a different body on it. And he kind of laughed, and I think it was the only time I ever saw him smile while he was in custody. It was an old Cadillac where they had put running boards on the sides so that they could stand. With dawns early light Kennedy was able to finally survey the extent of the chaos from the night before. Today, the youngmen and women populating the Maryland and Virginia National Guard units tracing their lineage back to the 29th Division in both world wars have fully lived up to those standards on the distant battlegrounds of Iraq and Afghanistan in the Global War on Terror. I turned and said, Thats it, Gayle! And she stood right next to him as he was sworn in as our president. He turned the corner of Patton and Jefferson, going west, and put the gun in his pants and took off, walking. PRESIDENT KENNEDY IN PARKLAND TV reporter Eddie Barker covers the event live. In March 1945, the 29th Infantry Division was ordered to attack in the industrial sector of the Ruhr, where the Germans resisted fiercely despite being surrounded. Theyve shot Jack!. I remember seeing a bewildered look on President Kennedys face, and I can remember seeing Gov. And Roy Kellerman received word from headquarters to bring it back to Washington for an autopsy at Walter Reed or Bethesda Naval.And thats when Roy Kellerman and some other agents and myself formed sort of a flying wedgeand we flew out that door and put the casket in the ambulance and took off and went to Love Field. Gasoline from the ruptured fuel tanks ignited. Shortly after picking up Kennedy, his crew of 10 sailors saw the 157 roaring towards their little island. They had a torrid affairmany biographers say she was the true love of Kennedys lifebut the relationship became a threat to his naval career. The captain radioed a warning: The destroyers are coming. And I heard a noise from my right rear, which to me seemed to be a firecracker. Mrs. Kennedy came and stood with us during the moments that the oath was being administered. And all I remember is seeing my husband, he had this sort of quizzical look on his face, and his hand was up, it must have been his left hand. The crowd at this point had become somewhat spotty. And he wants to do an interview. [Wade] said: Yeah, but Im busy with these reporters. Dr. Jenkins: As the resuscitative maneuvers were begun, such as chest cardiac massage, there was with each compression of the sternum a gush of blood from the skull wound, which indicated there was massive vascular damage in the skull and the brain, as well as brain tissue damage, and we recognized by this time that the patient was beyond the point of resuscitation, that he was in fact dead, and this was substantiated by getting a silent electrical pattern on the electrocardiogram. Ike Pappas: Ive got all these people in front of metheyre three deep. Dallas County Deputy Sheriff Luke Mooney describes finding the 6th-floor snipers nest. Posted at 14:25h in 116th, 29th Division, Bedford, Bedford Boys, Company A, D-Day, . 29 Lets Go! I was just beside myselfand I began to cry. When you do that, that stops the pistol from firing. An officer who leads from the front and takes care of his men, Kennedy gave one of his wounded sailors a life jacket and then proceeded to tow the hapless sailor whereby Kennedy had to secure the tow rope in his teeth so he could have his arms free to swim. In his remarks to the massive audience, which was nearly exhausted by the long afternoon of oratory, King had spoken for five minutes from his prepared text when he extemporaneously began to preach in the familiar cadence that had helped make him so effective a voice in the movement. But from late October through early November, Kennedy took the PT-59 into plenty of action from its base on the island of Vella Lavella, a few miles northwest of Kolombangara. By chance, Kennedy met up for drinks one night at a New York nightclub with writer John Hersey, an acquaintance who had married one of Jacks former girlfriends. Ensign John F. Jack Kennedy was finally was at the helm of his own boat with the salt air spray in his face and the ocean chop bouncing him and his crew across the waves aboard the roaring PT 101. Assigned in March to a cushy post in Miami, he joked, Once you get your feet upon the desk in the morning, the heavy work of the day is done.. I returned to the 17th floor and remained with Mrs. Kennedy until we departed the hospital. (918) 682-3489; rich.schaus@grmmuskogee.org; 323 Callahan Muskogee, OK 74401 Ensign Kennedy emerged from his sickbed ferociously determined to see action. Worried about an all-black demonstration, which would encourage assertions that whites had no serious interest in a comprehensive reform law, Kennedy asked Walter Reuther, head of the United Automobile Workers, to arrange substantial white participation by church and labor union members. The miniscule German towns through which the 29th foughtSiersdorf, Drboslar, Aldenhoven, Bourheim, Koslar, and otherswould be remembered by the 29ers as some of the most brutal fighting they experienced in World War II. The tiniest shard of hot metal might ignite the 3,000-gallon gas tanks. As a sailor aboard the light cruiser Topeka (CL-67) in 1945 and 1946, this writer and his shipmates were trained in the art and science of night vision. Division alive. [Mrs. Kennedy] came in and leaned over and asked him, Have you given him the last rites? And he said, Ive given him conditional last rites. She grimaced a little bit then, as if she didnt much like to hear that. Indeed, little is known about how he rated his performance on the night of August 2. I said, God, I hope he doesnt come out nowbecause I cant see anything. I saw a little opening right next to the fender of a car.I went over there and I squeezed in, moved in with my big New York City elbows. By the time Kennedy launched his political career in 1946, he clearly recognized the PR value of the PT-109 story. Further, as cold and wet weather set in, the 29th Division lost hundreds of men due to exposure andtrench foot. But Cluster laughed it off, particularly when his friend earned the nickname Crash Kennedy. With it, Kennedy or one of the others might have picked the Amagiri out of the night sooner. I was there on that balcony at the Trade Mart, waiting for the president to come there to the luncheon. I told [him] that I had a boy missing over here, I dont know whether it amounts to anything or not. And I gave him his description. They didnt stop. Bill Newman: He straightened up and brought both arms up.But, as the car got closer to us, I felt that something was wrong. There is a little doctors office and I walked inside, and I am alone at that time, except one medic who was in there. Jerry Haynes [WFAA reporter] and another gentlemancame running over to us, and we had stood up by this time. The Amagiri, a 2,000-ton ship four times longer than the 109, emerged out of the black night on the starboard side, about 300 yards away and bearing down. Sworn testimony given to the Warren Commission and the magnificent oral histories collected and compiled by The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas form the foundation of the narrative. His restraint, however, did little to appease Southern legislators, who consistently helped block his other reforms. American Campaign Medal John F. Kennedy, commander of the 109 and son of the millionaire and former diplomat Joseph Kennedy. HistoryNet.com is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. The news media, a number of them, had continued to say: Let us see him. Connally. and all those inspired by the Blue and Gray Division. I put my right foot on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip, when the car lurched forward. We collected the three spent cartridges, cases. Kennedy, possibly doubtful of the Mark 8 and Mark 14 torpedoes abysmal performance decided to discard her torpedo tubes and convert her into purely a gunboat. Hundreds honor fallen policeman J.D. I jumped from the follow-up car and ran up to the left rear portion of the automobile with my back toward Mrs. Kennedy viewing those persons on the left-hand side of the street. He believed that a combination of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans would defeat any such measure and jeopardize the rest of his legislative agenda, which included a large tax cut, federal aid to elementary and secondary education, and medical insurance for the elderly. Chief Curry: The news media, a number of them, had continued to say: Let us see him. They are not yet freed from social and economic oppression. I put the camera up to my face, and I was looking through the viewfinder at my spot because I didnt want to miss that first frame. The goal was to smash through the German lines in the Rhineland, cross the Roer River at Jlich, and drive on to theRhine by Christmas 1944. Jean Lollis Hill: We were standing on the curb, and I jumped to the edge of the street and yelled, Hey, we want to take your picture! to him. I know that the world shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear. And if I wrapped the thing up, its likely to mess up the powder or prints that are on there. The 29th Division sailed for England in September 1942 aboard the famous Cunard liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. I thought, The luck of the Irish.. Bulkeley claimed his PTs had sunk a Japanese cruiser, a troopship, and a plane tender in the struggle for the Philippines, none of which was true. Describing his swim into the Ferguson Passage from Plum Pudding Island, Hersey wrote: A few hours before he had wanted desperately to get to the base at [Lumbari]. To keep alive the spirit that never knew defeat; to glorify our dead, and to further keep before our country, the record of the 29th Division in all wars. McMahon was almost helpless. She said: That is the man that I saw shoot the officer. She pointed out Oswald. For me, it is a deep personal tragedy. He said he had a nice family, that he admired his family, something to that effect.At one time I told him, You know you have killed the president, and this is a very serious charge. He denied it and said he hadnt killed the president. Ten minutes after landing, President Johnson addresses the nation. He had no palpable pulse. It was a calling based on his skills and passions from a life of growing up on Cape Cod among the sleek and fast luxurious wooden hulled motorboats effortlessly skimming across the waves on weekends. Its three huge Packard motors needed a complete overhaul. The attorney general said that he would like to look into the matter of whether the oath of office as president should be administered to me immediately or after we returned to Washington, and that he would call back. Agent Hill: I accompanied [the president] and Mrs. Kennedy to the emergency roombut it was so small, and there were so many people in there that I decided I had better leave and let the doctors take care of the situation. She was only too gracious about coming forward. The Association is open to anyone devoted to that He was the youngest man and first Catholic to hold that office. I called the switchboard in Dallas, asked for the line to be open to Washington and remain open continuously. Before it is officially announced, Johnson is informed he is now president and must immediately return to Air Force One. I can remember his protruding eyes. And then the thirdrang out. The 29th Infantry Division is one of Americas most illustrious military units. I never saw an officer hit him with a fist, shotgun butt, or anything else at the time he was in my presence. The man, he just walked calmly, fooling with his gun. Kennedy and Lowrey remained in Blackett Strait, joined now by a third boat, Lieutenant Phil Potters PT-169, which had lost contact with its group. I didnt know he was living away from his family. President, and Lady Bird just kind of screamed. Young Kennedys nation was now at war. Im just kind of likewhat a stupid thing to throw firecrackers, and as they came downthe last shot that we heard was right in front of us and it was like the same soundfar off and to the leftbut I saw his head open up.So, of course, by this time I knew it wasnt firecrackers. Say something, dont freeze, andthe only thing that was apparent to me was that Oswald had been shot. No one aboard PT-109 knew how to use night vision. For more great articles, subscribe to American History magazine today! After V-E Day, the 29th Division garrisoned the German port of Bremen, the point from which thousands of American troops eventually returned to the States. I didnt know this man had shot a policeman. The division was to stay there ten months. He was just kind of glancing at the crowd, his eyes kind of jumped along from one to another. memo: review of selected items in the lee harvey oswald file regarding allegations of castro cuban involvement in the john f. kennedy assassination. My left arm was handcuffed to his right.And the reason for that was, since the threats had been that they were going to take him away from us and do all kinds of bodily harm to him, Cap figured somebody ought to be handcuffed to him, so if they took him, they had to take me, too. 29th Division in World War II | 29th Division Unit Histories. The 11 men leaped into the water, including McMahon, who had been badly burned as he fought his way to the deck through the fire in the engine room. We are hit! I have driven that car many times, and I never cease to be amazed even to this day with the weight of the automobile plus the power that is under the hood; we just literally jumped out of the goddamn road. As a grieving world gazes upon her, the slain presidents widow braces the nations fallen spirits with her fortitude and grace on this crisp, sun-soaked November day. My eyes went on up to the next floor, and there was the rifle. This downgrade hinted that those high up in the chain of command did not think much of Kennedys performance on the night of August 2. It was transparent to more than the civil rights leaders that Kennedy saw a compromise civil rights measure as his only chance for success. I told them I was waiting for Mrs. Kennedy and for the presidents body to be placed on the plane, and would not return prior to that time. We were on the 12th floor, and so we were kind of watching [Commerce Street]. His brain was exposed. After 4 days with no food or water and exhausted, the crew of the 109 led by Kennedy crawled on to a beach of a second larger island where they found coconut palm trees. After the rescue boats picked up the 109 crew, Kennedy kept to his bunk on the return to Lumbari while the other men happily filled the notebooks of the reporters on board. Bob Jackson: We heard the first shot. To ensure that as little as possible went wrong, Bobby directed his Civil Rights Division assistant attorney general to work full time for five weeks guarding against potential mishaps such as insufficient food and toilet facilities, or the presence of police dogs, which would draw comparisons to the Birmingham demonstrations. He was driving real slow, almost up to this man. He would approach the dock at top speed, reversing his engines only at the last minute. The alternative to civil rights legislation was civil strife that would injure the national well-being, embarrass the country before the world and jeopardize the Kennedy presidency. Dr. McClelland: About the time that Dr. Baxter and I were gonna walk around the head of the gurney and leave the room behind everybody else, the door came open, and Father Hubert came inso we just kind of melted back up against the wallwhile he gave the president his last rites. Marilyn Sitzman: When they started to make their first turnturning into the street, he [Zapruder] said, OK, here we go. Thats when I remember he started actually doing the filming. Lost the edge that drove him on PT-59 the officers gathered around there had piled on and! The others might have picked the rifle up the thing up, its likely to up. Chance for success World War II Roster of the car crowds before seeing the cars or motorcycle. 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