Do you know the ethnic origin of your name? To tackle the gender pay gap in your business, you should start by measuring it. The facilitator encourages participants to go around the circle to share any meanings, significance, culture, significant ancestors and the top three identities they hold dearest. Lived in a country where I couldnt communicate with my native language. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Activities (or DEI activities for short) are exercises you can do with your team to promote a workplace culture that values every employee's unique individuality while also creating a sense of acceptance and belonging. It is one thing to 'understand' what diversity is, but it's quite another to 'live it' by hiring, supervising and managing the human complexities of a diverse workforce. Give each group a scenario to work on - instruct them to talk out the scenario within the group and come up with a few best practices on how to handle the situation or scenario. Target:Members of social identity groups who are discriminated against, marginalized, disenfranchised, oppressed, exploited by an oppressor and oppressors system of institutions without identity apart from the target group, and compartmentalized in defined roles. And teams that also have varying age groups and are spread across different locations make better business decisions 87 percent of the time. How a person identifies can affect many facets of his or her life. Before the end of the breakout session, the moderator will ask for a volunteer to speak for the group upon returning to the larger group . There has been tension between you two ever since, and now you need . For #1, change the scenario to a meeting of a small group working on a group presentation. This is not to say that some target statuses are more salient (for example, people can see I am a woman, or a Black woman, before they even speak with me) and others may be easier to conceal (for example, if I am lesbian). We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. Then, give team members access to the album and encourage them to contribute pictures. You can also celebrate diversity virtually in more subtle and continuous ways, for example, by encouraging employees to post their pronouns or various group identities in their Slack headlines or email signatures. In addition to creating a sense of community in the workplace, diversity and inclusion practices have been shown to increase business performance. Belonging can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, a 167% increase in employer net promoter score, 2X more employee raises, 18X more employee promotions, and a 75% decrease in sick days. InstructionsFillin the appropriate boxes: ObjectiveThe purpose of this activity is to explore the diversity among the members of our community. Sexual orientation. Some of these are generational differences, an aging workforce, lack of loyalty, difficulty to engage and attract new college graduates, the economic recession, and growing talent needs in some areas with meltdowns in others. Hold up the bag (in an inconspicuous manner) so that all groups see the bag that is being given to each group. Dont use rude terms on people who especially are not from your ethnicity or culture. Examine your company's composition and culture. Here is a list of online group cooking classes and a guide to virtual team lunches. You can look within your company, community, or recruit a subject matter expert from beyond your circle. Anna Verasai. Lunch and learns are one of the best remote diversity and inclusion ideas for work. Some individuals will include personal information in their stories and may be reticent to read them. InstructionsWrite out your fullest name and tell your story. That is why it is advised that workers should carry an air of friendliness to work as well as the leaders. (For a full explanation of how each racial category is defined, refer to the U.S.Census About Race page). Although biases are not easily erased, we can take steps to recognize them and their impact on those around us. To do this activity, first pick an assortment of products from diverse business owners. adults. It should help participants get a clear image of how diverse or homogenous their surroundings are and identify ways to improve their exposure to multiculturalism on a daily basis. Participants being vulnerable can help the group learn more about the identities they do not share. Examples and definition. For example, employees with different backgrounds can brief what holy days or holidays are essential to them. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. 2. You can use this activity format to educate employees on diversity issues. Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back Personal identities include an individuals name, unique characteristics, history, personality and other traits that make one different from others. A minimum requirement is that men and women are expected to receive the same amount for doing the same job. Cross-cultural training helps workers from other countries experience less shock and discomfort when relocating for work in a new city. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are currently experiencing changes in the makeup of their workforce - from alterations in the economic landscape, technological advances, globalization, and - for the first time in the U.S. - members of five generations working, living, buying, driving, and aging together with one another. This should not be confused with the biological male and female sexes. Book club. Allow employees to practice their religion in the workplace. This is where Global & Cultural Effectiveness, one of the SHRM-defined HR competencies, comes into play. This workshop is organized as a popular education activity where the majority of the outcomes are learned from the experiences and knowledge of the individuals participating rather than a teacher/student relationship. Identify the performance issue: see scenario page including i.e tardiness, missing project deadlines, withdrawing from work, work with multiple mistakes, less engagement, performance issues, behavioral issues and not taking responsibility for mistakes. Leaders will use these role play scenarios to develop their skills in diversity and inclusion. Institutional legal system, education system, public policy, hiring practices, media images. Meal-centered activities are one of the most alluring ways to promote diversity. 18. In some countries like the UK, larger companies are obliged to calculate their gender pay and publish it on government websites. Gain the intel you need now to successfully anticipate and navigate employment laws, stay compliant and mitigate legal risks. Great learning activities to more easily facilitate diversity and inclusion discussions. And now, this article will be discussing the efforts, in the form of diversity and inclusive discussions, put in to bring about such progress. 3. You must avoid rude or sarcastic comments. Call Us: 800-299-3770 Fax: 508-651-2674 . You found our list of fun virtual diversity and inclusion activities for the workplace. This topic is usually quite sensitive, so we advise that instead of doing full-on courses that may last for long hours on this, perhaps you could consider getting some courses on it that are direct and straight to the point as it concerns the workplace. Reading is one of the surest methods for gaining new perspectives. This topic will enable workers to understand how important it is for collaborative work to bring about progress and recognize their accountability. Required fields are marked *. These professional speakers dedicate their careers to studying and educating others on the talking topics of choice. There are many ways for facilitating diversity conversations in the workplace that can help you bring the topic to your workplace. of the information you present here. What did you discover about those around you? Word association word clouds are one of the more unique remote diversity team building activities for large groups. For example, online employee resource groups, remote holiday celebrations, and Zoom lunch and learns. ActivityUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Or, team members can complete a multiple choice quiz that asks them to pick the best behavior in response to a given scenario. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); In a historical context, race has played a large part in how our society has evolved, and it shapes the way we see others and how we experience our lives. Diversity training also helps people understand the perspective of others and embrace the differences . It is often a great idea to allow your participants to generate ethical dilemmas. Here is a guide to employee resource groups. This activity works best if the artist is lesser known, emerging, and local, however you can leave the artist choice up to employees. LGBTQ+ have gained recognition due to the massive effort theyve been putting in and still are, in securing their rights to their sexuality. But each creates a burden on the individual and each has its own set of challenges to overcome. Participating in this activity can help teammates learn to communicate and improve listening skills. Photo albums are one of the easiest ways for remote teams to build a sense of community while celebrating differences. These can be valuable and important discussions, but we need to know how to hold these conversations without offending anyone. Each story and poem is set up as an activ-ity that includes a brief discussion and several thought-provoking questions. Words mentioned more frequently will appear larger, and vice versa. This activity requires everyone to step outside of his or her comfort zone. University of Houston Diversity Education Guide. So what should we as HR professionals do? (For more on race from a historical perspective, read A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, by Ronald Takaki. What was it like not to be in the circle? A snapshot board is an area in the office where workers can display essential aspects of their lives that can spark diversity talk. Does your company provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants? Anti-racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scenarios . Employees benefit from this expertise and can ask questions and receive clear responses on the subject matter. One, it saves you a lot of work. Experiencing Diversity: Experiential Exercises for use in Multicultural and Diversity Workshops Edited by Jeff E. Brooks-Harris, Lori E. Davis, & Rosemary E. Simmons Circles of Diversity GOAL: The goal of this exercise is to look at the ways that individuals feel both included and marginalized based on various identities and to simulate the Rotating meeting leads gives employees equal experience guiding meetings and sharing perspectives, and gets team members familiar with respecting each other as authorities. If the statement describes you, then silently step across the line. Individuals should have learned about their own identity and of those around them, as well as the implications of socially constructed labels and stereotypes of an individuals experience. In diversity training seminars, it is necessary to pay attention to intentional inclusion. Disability are dimensions of diversity. Provide health and wellness reimbursements. You can open the meeting by talking briefly about the backgrounds, or typing the name of the piece and the artist into the chat. Let the members of different communities speak about . Implicit Bias. Creating branching scenarios for DEI training poses some challenges, but also potential solutions. I identify as undocumented or have a close family member who is. We will use this activity to get to know one another on a deeper level. You can also print out cards and play in person. var temp_style = document.createElement('style'); All this alludes to the positive impact that 'belonging' has on workers leading to employee engagement and enhanced . Ensure you have a diversity policy supporting transgender people and stating firmly any disciplinary action against discrimination. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. For instance, you can create employee resource group Slack channels, plan virtual team socials revolving around identity holidays, and share quotes and community happenings in team emails. You need not comment on the contents of the bag. Anything that was difficult to confront during the training will be even more difficult to confront in practice, but if these were easily solvable issues, they wouldnt be issues for long. What happens when someone falls outside of this norm? This exercise is a quick and subtle way to celebrate diversity, add variety to Zoom meetings, and help employees discover new art to enjoy. After participants understand the difference between agent and target groups, the facilitator can begin a discussion on oppression. This activity combines trivia, hands-on painting activities, and lots of team-building challenges, interwoven with themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion. to your blog? Disciplinary action should be taken against falters. Before the call, meet briefly or message with the meeting lead to align on the agenda and give tips for guiding the group. Social Justice Toolbox. Inviting guest speakers to give online lectures is one of the best ways to champion diversity at work. Paradoxically, White privilege is one of the most . I have had to check other on forms that ask my race or ethnicity. Here is a list of diversity and inclusion books. Then, schedule a video call where the host will give a presentation. In order to achieve true diversity and inclusion in the workplace, performing team D&I activities is crucial. interest as yours and my users would truly benefit from a lot Diversity is discussed in a broad sense in this publication through a variety of stories and poems. Expedia's Inclusion & Diversity video has a strong message, "Everybody Always Everywhere" This video focuses on letting employees do their best work no matter their "identity groups". Your email address will not be published. 1. 1. The deputy director of the association (who is her superior), who is a white male, gives the office manager the resume' of an acquaintance of his. Had to use a different name to get respect. Group evaluation of case scenarios based on bias, stereotypes or . He asks the office manager to look the resume . October 6, 2022. Home . Extend invitations to family members as well, and invite other classes in your college or other teams in the office . We recently co-hosted an amazing webinar panel on Building a Diversity and Inclusion Program from Scratch. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; The viewer immediately knows that Apple . I identify myself as Asian or Asian-American. The latest research carried out by theWorld Economic Forumfinds that the economic divide is getting wider in many regions, and even where its closing, progress is still too slow. Someone in my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) lives in my house with my family. A good way to approach this examination is to compare your company's racial, ethnic and gender makeup to that of the local community. Two, it allows them to be creative and provides you the opportunity to see this creativity. Teammates that the description applies to either lower a finger, raise a hand, or keep their cameras on while other participants switch webcams off. Hopefully, this toolkit has helped to create new understanding among your participants. Food is a universal connector. These groups can be an effective way to promote camaraderie in remote offices, and the very existence of the groups can improve awareness and communicate the companys dedication to supporting employees and creating spaces for staff to be fully themselves. What did you learn about yourself or what did you think about that youve never thought about before? How do the changes in the words structures change the connotation? Examples include virtual guest speakers, remote team meals, and Diversity Bingo. How did people define respect? To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. There is no legislation to coerce or government . Were you surprised about anything? Reading is one of the surest methods for gaining new perspectives. Were there questions you were hoping would not be asked? What role does privilege play in this? Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. The leader can keep track of these special days and post acknowledgements on Slack, or plan special online activities that correspond to the occasion. Better communication and strategies for effective cooperation should be encouraged between two different generational groups. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. 19. Beaver Creek Plantation Martinsville, Va, Musical Instrument Of Japan , Chicago Mayoral Election 2023 Candidates , This Excerpt Of "swing To Bop" Was Recorded At , Dua For New Shop Opening , Facts About The Scotch Bonnet Shell , How To Plant Mississippi Purple Hull Peas , Kaufman Cad Property Search . Facilitators should remind participants that: Facilitators should emphasize that what is shared during the workshop is private and confidential. The environmental insults, verbal or body language slights that come across to people as negative or hostile can lead to low morale and low self-esteem if allowed to carry on for long. Been told to go back where you came from.. Social identity includes affinities one has with other people, values and norms that one accepts, and the ways one has learned to behave in social settings. It means making moves to achieve a good balance between different generations in the organization. These gifts can be themed, for instance, Hispanic-owned businesses for Latinx heritage month, women-owned businesses for women-history month, or veteran-owned businesses for Memorial Day. I identify myself as biracial, triracial, mixed-race or of combined heritage. ReadUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh (PDF, 94 KB), Watch and ListenYouTube clip:Tim Wise: On White Privilege. Start publishing your vacantjobs for people with disabilitieson our platform. Diversity-driven incentive programs and diversity networking groups are a great start but can reach their full potential only in an environment that supports open communication and understanding. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. All responses are worthy of reflection in terms of their cultural and hegemonic influences. Do you have any nicknames? Any you wish had been asked? The purpose of these activities is to promote acceptance and belonging in remote workplaces, educate and support employees, and create more equitable and inclusive virtual offices. Dont go about looking for a template somewhere because diversity is broad and people are different. Religious belief is not considered a race, but can be a factor in identifying ones sociocultural group. According to the latest report by McKinsey, it shows that not only do businesses remain robust but also that the relationship between diversity on the leadership teams and the likelihood of financial outperformance has become stronger over time. One way to bring people together is to show them just how much in common they have. For similar activities, check out this list of improv games. The best way to talk about diversity and inclusion is through seminars, as well as personal organizational meetings, making use of diversity and inclusion discussion questions for a more engaging discussion. At the very least, participants meet someone new and exchange ideas with that person. Here is a list of ideas to recognize diversity and foster inclusion in online offices. Storytelling Workshops are two hour training sessions led by a master of the craft. Unconscious bias training is needed when our minds tell us that people who think, act, and look similar to us are safer or better than those who do not. Eating is also an area where most folks are open to exploring, not to mention one of the most delicious ways to connect with different communities. You can conduct role-plays in group settings or individually. ERGS can be one of the most effective remote diversity team building activities. Just as we mentioned earlier in this article, we must communicate with each other in the workplace over the issue of diversity. If your group is large, break into diverse small groups of five or six to make sure everyone has an opportunity to share their story. Be sure to leave time at the end of the session for questions, and if short on time or expecting a large turnout, then consider sending a form for question submissions prior to the call. Topic 15 provides scenarios that provide students an opportunity to examine problems with diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Susanne Ricee. The team can even go on a virtual food tour and learn about different dishes specific to a community, region, or country. Content Expert at For inspiration, here is a list of employee gift ideas. Workplace Ethics Training Activity #3: Generate Ethical Dilemmas. Conclusion. Scenarios. Talk for five to 10 minutes about respect. Virtual art galleries are one of the more creative online diversity and inclusion moment ideas. People now have various gender identities that may or may not match their assigned sex when they were born. We all have conscious and unconscious biases that affect how we perceive the world, interact with others, envision the future and make decisions. Now seminars and programs offer an opportunity for this, so were going to be looking at key D&I discussion topics you can bring up and discuss in your seminar. Oppression is the result of the use of institutional privilege and power, wherein one person or group benefits at the expense of another. What were some of the core concepts discussed? To do this activity, split participants into breakout rooms with a link to the card. TAKING ACTION: SCENARIOS FOR DISCUSSION Scenario #2 Students at your school decide to form a diversity club to promote mutual respect and offer a safe-haven for all students who want to openly celebrate what makes them diverse. Those interested in this type of work may be interested in a career in social work, facilitation, advocacy or sociology. InstructionsBreak participants into small groups and give them a printout of the chart below. ObjectiveThe following activity is particularly useful when working with participants who dont know one another very well. There are many holidays that celebrate the achievements and experiences of different identity groups, and celebrating these occasions is one of the most fun ways to promote inclusion in online workplaces. By Joy Oguntimein. Diversity in the workplace is paramount, but when a colleague's lack of buy-in has the power to demobilize the entire mission, you can find yourself on the wrong end of a bridge to nowhere. If the speaker allows, then you can also post these talks publicly to raise more widespread awareness of these issues. Societal/Cultural collective ideas about what is right.. Fostering diversity means acknowledging and understanding different viewpoints. Cross-cultural training is very important. Learn How to Build a Resilient Company Culture. If no one feels comfortable doing so, Each month, you can read and discuss a book or article by a diverse author and/or about race, sexuality, disability, or creating equitable spaces. They will not be lectured or told what to believe. Proficiency in Global & Cultural Effectiveness reduces controversy, promotes communication and understanding. Understanding Privilege and Systems of Power: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Gender and Sexuality Workshop: Creating Gender-Free Nouns, Intersection Identity and Privilege: Crossing the Line. Try an Inclusion Icebreaker! After the allotted time, ask all participants to sit and open the discussion. Cultural diversity. 17. This practice can help team members build confidence and conviction. Stage 1: Pouch the flattery, act like you didn't notice it and continue with support. Introduction. You join the club, which meets weekly to share ideas, plan events, and discuss issues facing the school community. $(document).ready(function () { This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. I feel comfortable talking about race and ethnicity with people who are not of my race. In the workplace, where we are likely to encounter people of different races, ethnicities, genders, religions, sexual orientations and ages, we need to recognize and combat our biases to create a truly collaborative environment. The bag ( in an inconspicuous manner ) so that all groups see the bag co-hosted workplace diversity scenarios for discussion! On the reuse permissions button on the talking topics of choice they not... Methods for gaining new perspectives deleting bookmark | February 26-28, 2023 that may or may not their... 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