staged meetspossibly Skills:, Art/Craft (Acting), Disguise, Drive Auto, two even the Olympicsor interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, any two other skills as per-This acrobat can swing on just professionals employed sonal or era specialties (e.g. Just add Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook of danielsalveson to My Favorites. Its not essential to have Assetts, and write these entry for each category, but the more you are able todefine, the more your investigator comes to life. View flipping ebook version of Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) published by startobb on 2020-12-05. . Upon graduation thecadet is promoted to the rank of Army or Marine Second Mountain climbing as a sport became popular in the 19thLieutenant or Naval Ensign, and assigned to a station. Access to medical records as well as many it's a means to an end. Only one dice roll is made; the resultis then compared with each of the skills named. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2070 Credit Rating: 935 Suggested Contacts: Military, federal government. 8. Many stars are madeovernight and most of them lead flashy, high profile lives,ever in the media spotlight. H. In each of thesenamed ghost hunters, they make use of technology to try arenas a photographer may find fame, recognition andto capture hard evidence of paranormal activity that may financial centered on a person or a location. You may discover moreHave they learnt their skills in the about your investigators history G Attach a feeling. drugs, violence, racism). Most musicians Credit Rating: 965are poor and do not get noticed, eking a living by playingsmall venues as often as they can. chemicals and drugs. Credit Rating: 930Aviator Suggested Contacts: Law enforcement, local businesses and residents, street level crime, organized crime. For example, expenses so long as an investigators spendingcriminal could be used Accommodation: an average home or apart- falls within the bounds of his or her living stan-as a profession for a ment, either rented or privately owned. Pick four non-occupation skills and boost them by ing a warprobably the Great War of 1914 to 1918 for 1920s 20% (adding 20 to the skill base values). Similar occupations may include: Database Administrator, IT Systems Manager, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Multimedia Developer, Network Administrator, Software Engineer, Webmaster, etc. Check all flipbooks from danielsalveson. GE Mini-Gun: Gatling style heavy machine gun, oftenBullets in Gun (Magazine): there may be multiple options mounted in helicopters. or 1920s era specialties. Accidents personality defers to personal honor. 80chapter 4: occupationsGambler lawyers, businesses and residents of the same ethnic community.Gamblers are the dandies of the criminal world. You are indebted to them. Law, Listen, Operate Heavy Machinery, Psychology.Waitress, Cocktail ZealotServes customers and clients within a hotel, bar or other Intense and vision-driven, scorning an easy life, the zealotdrinking establishment. the moll is expected to do as shes told andA gangster could be the boss of a whole city, part of a city live at the beck and call of her mobster boyfriend; howeveror merely an underling who works for the boss. For the most part, the occupation indicates a Ph.D.a Psychologist/Psychoanalystrank that can earn tenure at universities around the world.The professor is qualified to teach and to perform competent While commonly known for the fields of psychotherapy andresearch, and may have a discernible academic reputation in counseling, this is just one branch of psychology. Check all flipbooks from startobb. A famous person. A few work com-pletely independently; however for most, they are Investigative Journalistlured and kept in the business by ruthlesspimps whose only concern is cash. Neighbor-hood ethnic gangs, who had heretofore limited their activi- Suggested Contacts: Gangsters, law enforce-ties to local protection schemes and small gambling rackets, ment, local businesses.discovered the immense profits to be made in the illegalbeer and liquor industry. other skill as personal or era specialty. ist financial advisers are needed to take care of it.Deprogrammer Probably well educated, though not[Modern] necessarily accomplished in anything. are made with one penalty die. 10. Within strange and forgotten tomes of lore . American flying aces of the World War still in the publiclimelight include: Eddie Rickenbacker, presently employed Police Detectiveby Chrysler Corporation; Tommy Hitchcock, Jr., now a staron the polo fields; and Reed Landis, son of Baseball Com- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2)missioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis. with criminal experience. Take the result andmake it specific and personal to your investigator. Few people in any era are expert with weapons, though often they have passing acquaintance with them. Traditionally the butler Persuade), is charge of the dining room, wineBounty Hunter cellar and pantry, and ranks as theBounty hunters track down and return fugitives to justice.Most often freelancers employed by Bail Bondsmen to track highest male servant. dollar construction proj- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ect. The book includes information on key events during the period, modes of transport across the country, and investigator information like forensics and photography. gentlemens club, local highly creative). 259, investigator's handbook Rifle and Shotgun were previously two Combat Skills (Kick, Punch, Head separate skills, but have now been amal- Butt, Grapple, Knife and Club) gamated. A scientist will also have a good com- Skills: Electrical or Mechanical Repair, Fighting, Fire- mand of their own language, having done higher degrees arms, First Aid, Navigate, Pilot (Boat), Survival and probably a Ph.D. (Sea), Swim. Rifles and handguns can impale, however shotguns, which fire a mass of smaller shot, cannot impale (although a shot-Burst/Full Auto: some automatic weapons can be switched gun loaded with slugs instead of pellets could impale). takes a cut of the profit or, more usually, buys the stolen goods at a very low price.Craftsperson Forgers are the artists of the criminal world, specializ-May be equally termed an artisan or master craftsperson. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Note: With the Keepers agreement, the Hypnosis skill may be substituted for one of the listed skills. 9. This connection can aid your investigator in regaining Sanity points. For riding animals, such as horses or 98chapter 5: skills1920s Anthropology 1920s ArchaeologyBy the 1920s, anthropology has clearly ecc4Sda1esibaiiAaelonm,Nntitvre9e0sytsdolfeientyut1Mtcl0o1nedethiieti1omnszh0r9cehoraotvat,egehnt2hheuenyetSswhpe2reieroedgtCosoeudonhyn,alhcirncduhibgnirjotesroilIoesehiselenutmcafni-aEshtseoacDatiyttiaragnhiesvahrge,ln.aayirPoceinoentnyrtdpnhrnahd,phos.ygaatdlagciaeaeesntoha-eHitnrosebetcshfocnEattyfddiaotesiliretsdageonsrvThaibofnynlogrtebemuoHyeyfpfirtdekorctea1tpEetiatIwMnandhrnht9BnrnExlohanegaed2eispkwxpfaehncu0oujlhepwtpanhioogcsssfnrlaaruhoriuiotAtrdeaecmachroarrslnxthrlitaneremditPoveiec-eaiaotraifnci:YaistlecdnaolisitavtsozdcSsmerhnhpana.tlhexihFeoouestettgSiuSiaugoicns,rodoHtoionmortnhioncetnmeneicvegowdna-esdb.di-le-l.-,divided itself into two disciplines:cultural anthropology and physical an-thropology, each subdivided differentlyin the U.S and in Europe. concert, on holiday, a bomb shelter). Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + Credit Rating: 930 APP x 2 Suggested Contacts: News industry, politicians, street- Credit Rating: 5-50 level crime or law enforcement. The work concerns supporting combat roles such as air controller, mechanic, clerk, or evenexecutives and managers with a range of communication officers steward. During episodes of insan- at? Everything in the story is open to the Keeper to do with as he or she desires, except for the investigators key con- 5. The architect will Credit Rating: 3070 work closely with the Suggested Contacts: Booksellers, antique collectors, historical societies. In placestunt director. A few musicians liv-ing in large cities like Chicago or New York find steady work *With the Keepers agreement, may include Cthulhuin their hometown, but most spend significant amounts of Mythos (with an advised starting maximum oftime on the road, touring either by bus, by automobile or 10%).by train. The decadesaw the professionalization of academicanthropology in the U.S. and the growthof psychological anthropologyanAmerican contribution to anthropo-logical theory. film star, politician, musician). to quickly determine some background detailsyou can ei- 52chapter 3: creating investigators Crafting a Backstory CNAbenTmOvwaimeofnohaefiolnwlmnbfaooporecseatnvephioilesbgAlde.ausydeiedenhtvIirrlinrewsnyocc.wdfe,roaeow,NihtiubfrififMeoMctemefljedeorow,lrcyy,aunueoaaAtwrnblputibsdnonetholnellneadnioyohlvaeyor,aseammhvmbtavdcweawaeoeenoeadvirl,tinfldktteii.eaoihvsewnMneiboAsNcdgicraeufynhoesoemelptrnin,w,nlow:aydhatiAeiMnbedMflblxnterieoteoyfte.,-ylte.-.-; gether. There is evil in society that should be rooted out. @@) and note down the occupationCircle the results in the boxes in this section. Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness,Professor [Lovecraftian] physicians and possibly legal professions.Professors are academics employed by colleges and univer- Skills: Other Language, Listen, Medicine, Persuade,sities. social norms. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 030 Credit Rating: 920 Suggested Contacts: Religious or fraternal groups, news media. These requirements, however, are Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2but a relatively recent development. theories were still relatively new and aimed at attempting to explain phenomena that until recently have been considered Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) to be biological in nature. make it specific and personal to your investigator.Becoming a father may not have been intentional. Take Shotguns: Do three levels of damage depending on theirminimum damage on following round. In game play this means that the player must be presented with the oppor- Birthplace tunity to make at least one dice roll to save the connection. While serious works of art mightgeneric Art and Craft skill cannot be purchased. humanity. If you dont like your dice rolls then This method is recommended if you wish to get up andscrap them and start again. handwriting, a bureaucratic form or permit, orAn art or craft skill might also be a duplicate of a tome. Few manage to sell the grandiose designs theyall nurse. The female companion of a professional criminal. Althoughtimes, the librarian is also a keeper of electronic media and technically at the bottom of the officers list of ranks, thedatabases. the skill-user could pinpoint the age of the item, assess its historical relevance and detect forgeries. While benefitting from their experience, they also bear its scars. That way, S Rank and file soldiers choose from: Climb, Fightingan investigator with INT 90 can boost it to 99 with a roll of9 on the die. (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any two other skills.Skills: Accounting, History, Library Use, Listen, OtherLanguage, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast CowboyTalk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psy-chology, any one other skill. Call of Cthulhu was created over 30 years ago by Sandy Pe- tersen. Suggested Contacts: The film and television industries,Stuntman various explosive and pyrotechnic firms, actors and directors.The film and television industry employs stuntmen andwomen to simulate falls from buildings, car crashes and Skills: Climb, Dodge, Electrical Repair or Mechanicalother catastrophes. There is a higher power that you worship and praythe options; you may have had an affair with a marriedwoman, your wife may have died and your child fostered, or to (e.g. A fellow investigator in your game. The investigator has served in one of the Armed Forces dur- 7. S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. circuses, carnivals, Numerous well-known detective agencies exist around the theatrical performances). Credit Rating: 930Designer Suggested Contacts: Coast guard, ship captains, mili- tary, law enforcement, smugglers.Designers work in many fields, from fashion to furniture andmost points in-between. The signature setting for Call of Cthulhu, prohibition-era America is covered in detail. 4. Stealth. by getting a good job, by finding a good spouse, by (e.g. Impales are not applied as a result of fighting back. Some hunters may work for Charm, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology,the black market, capturing live exotic species for private Track, Stealth.collectors or trading in illegal or morally objectionableanimal products like skins, ivory and the likealthough Boxer/Wrestlerin the 1920s such activities were more common and werepermissible under most countries laws. Flappers are most often employed as secretar- ies, sales help or in other, similar work. Suggested Contacts: Advertising, media, furnishings, architectural, other. Likewise,smuggling for the bootleggers could pay well; however the Natural philosophers who delve reality in the pursuit ofrisks were high. 2. to achieve a goal, to become the 1. given to flights of fancy, visionary, 5. Suggested Contacts: Other climbers, environmentalists, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 patrons, sponsors, local rescue or law enforcement, park rangers, sports clubs. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- Credit Rating: 2050 date or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties. 2,000 yards 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Artillery 6D10/ 3 Modern Hand yards 2 Separate N/A Modern Grenade* Artillery 4D10/ 3 1/4 Separate $1,500/- 1920s, 81mm Artillery yards Modern Mortar 1 Separate N/A Modern75mm Field Artillery 6D10/ 6 yards Gun Demoli- 120mm tions 10D10/ 2 Tank Gun yards(stabilized) Demoli- Ship- tions 15D10/ 4 mounted yards5-inch rifle, Firearms stabilized (Flame- 12D10/ 4 3,000 yards 2 Auto- N/A 98 Modern Anti- thrower) yards Personnel Firearms magazine Mine (Heavy) Claymore 4D10/ 5 In place In place One use N/A 99 1920s, Mine* yards Modern Flame- In place In place One use N/A thrower 6D6/ 20 25 yards 1 At least 10 N/A 99 Modern yards LAW* 93 1920s, 2D6+burn Modern 8D10/ 1 150 yards 1 1 N/A 98 Modern yardKey Skill: skill required to use the weapon.Acronyms: Damage: roll the dice indicated to determine weapons dam- age. What is this evil? Perhaps they have was once held dear becomes mean- and skills. or given the option to become involved. Credit Rating: 2050Pilot Suggested Contacts: Law enforcement, street level Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 crime, coroners office, judiciary, organized crime. The 15% that was Intimidate -- left unused is added to Archies Skill Pool. you should have died in 6. Psychiatry, a standard medicaleducation augmented by behaviorism, is more common. Morans Air Rifle fire 1 shot per round. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Stage Actor Credit Rating: 3070 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Suggested Contacts: Business associates, legal Credit Rating: 940 professions, financial sector (bankers, other Suggested Contacts: Theatre industry, newspaper arts accountants). A skilled fighter is likely to be able to put as the ability to push rolls and run chase scenes.any knife or club to good use. Thenames shown were all popular in America in the early part can only be spent if time is taken to realizeof the twentieth century. Credit Rating: 30-50 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Suggested Contacts: Local historians, other antique deal- ers, possibly criminal fences. Aside from a few doctors andnurses, they employ a large number of attendants, often Skills: Art (Literature), History, Library Use, Naturalchosen more for their strength and size rather than medical World or Occult, Other Language, Own Language,learning. Dreamer (e.g. world, with probably the most famous being the Pinkerton and Burns agencies (merged into one in modern times).Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Large agencies employ two types of agents: security guards and operatives.Credit Rating: 920 Guards are uniformed patrolmen, hired by companiesSuggested Contacts: Amateur athletic circles, sports and individuals to protect property and people against bur- writers, circuses and carnivals. Credit Rating: 510Soldier/Marine Suggested Contacts: Academics and other students,This refers to the enlisted ranks of the Army and Marines while interns may also know business people.and includes the lowest ranks of private up through gunnery Skills: Language (Own or Other), Library Use, Listen, 90chapter 4: occupations three fields of study and any two other skills as a Credit Rating: 10-50 personal or era specialties. Looking through old accounts, one could see howLocksmith (01%) money was gained or lost in the past (grain, slave-trading,Machine Gun (10%)see Firearms whiskey-running, etc.) parish church, Mecca, Stonehenge). 3. once provided a regular living wage. Col. Morans Air Rifle: Uses compressed air rather than ex-Base Range: standard distance of weapons attack. In the 1920s, newsreels came into being; heavy, Some parapsychologists will specialize in the study of bulky 35mm film equipment was hauled around the globeparticular phenomenon, such as extra sensory perception, in searchof exciting news stories, sporting events and bath-telekinesis, hauntings and others. Illegally breaking into computers and other user accounts is required, the outcome of which could be anything from Skills: Accounting or Appraise, Art/Craft (any, e.g. Otherwise, figure yourinvestigators wealth according to their Credit Rating score.260, chapter 10: referencefitting. 5. In the U.S., Skills: Any three science specialisms, Computer Use or standard enlistment is for six years, including four years Library Use, Other Language, Own Language, one active duty and two in standby (inactive) reserve. John Garfield transactions, financial statements and other and Francis Bushman are forgotten for new stars such as records. Consider 1. 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